Fuel Water Separator Needed for Portable Fuel Tanks?
I was about to install a fuel water separator, and was trying to figure out if it mattered if I keep the primer bulb up by the 12 gallon bow tank (under the front of the jockey console) or move it between the motor and the filter, but came across some talk saying it was unnecessary on portable fuel tanks. Any truth to this? The primer bulb was set up closest to the tank, so I left it that way, but truth be told, since my old 30HP Mariner is pull start, it would almost be better back by the motor. That said, having that big can on the transom is kind of a pain too, especially since I pile up four scuba tanks back there at times. If I don't need the damn thing, I'd prefer to leave it out. But I ant to get the most life I can out of this old motor. Yay or Nay on the fuel water separator? How about the bulb? The fuel system is the new closed EPA type with a device to prevent the tank pushing fuel through the line when swelling in the heat. The bulb primes super easy even with the 12' hose running to the motor.