Originally Posted by Turbodiesel
Its great stuff. But £16.00!!! Were did you buy that from? We sell it for £13.55 and you get 10% off that!. Never mind.
Thats typical me findind the most expensive, Cheers TD will purchase with you next time.
That's Great to hear some of you've have had good results, So after warming engine for say 5min in gear, Then back to neutral and I just slowly spray 2/3 of the tin in through the air intake as Dave suggests at about 1200 rpm,
Then increase rpm to 1600 to 2000 rpm and they say stall engine, I take it by spaying the rest of the tin flat out will stall engine, Am i right by assuming that's the way to stall engine.
Then it's back on with the engine lid allow to soke for 20 min and run engine at full throttle in gear for 5 min, Of which will all have to be done on the water rather than useing muffs, I must remember to check harbour activity before doing this, As I can't see the harbour master being best pleased if I go screaming past a something hundred ton tanker in mid channel maneuvers.
Much appreciated info guys least I know it does work.