Originally Posted by Davie
I have seen this twice. Both times the passage between the 6 intake holes and the waterpump was half blocked. You get a tell tale and enough water that the waterpump does not burn but not enough flow to cool the engine. Did the throttle jam because the cables melted???
I will find pics
I read this and it didn't make sense to me: surely it would make sense to have the water coming out at the tell tale to be DISTAL to the flow around the cylinder - in which case if there was a reduced flow around the cylinder, it would show up (if you were looking for it) as an impaired tell tale flow.
But I've just looked at the diagram for my own (Suzuki) cooling circuit, and, sure enough, you could get a strong tell tale with no flow to the cylinder.
Why would it be designed like that? There must be a good reason...