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Old 23 March 2006, 13:50   #1
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Help reqd please with Suzuki DT85 fault

I have a 1991 DT85 which is causing me a problem.

The engine starts and idles however will not run above about 1500rpm.

Although the small engine management gauge continues to show oil reservoir levels it no longer displays water or oil warning lights when the ignition is first turned on.

Also I no longer get the buzzer beeping before starting and until water alarm goes off.

I have checked all the connections in the remote unit and under-the-engine hood.

Anyone any ideas on this?

It is as if the engine is in rev-limit as if it were in a water or oil alarm condition....but these functions appear 'dead' on the display.

Hopefully someone can help me here?


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Old 23 March 2006, 14:19   #2
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Hi, On my old 55HP Suzuki and on my current 200HP Suzuki there is a reset button for the oil level rev-limiter. looks like an Orange Thimble with the words 'Reset' printed on it.

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Old 23 March 2006, 15:51   #3
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Thanks for the quick reply Nasher,

Unfortunately this isnt the solution :-(

When you switch the ignition on, you should get the buzzer sounding and the water and oil alarm lights etc......none of this happens.

Any more ideas.................



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Old 24 March 2006, 13:50   #4
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Originally Posted by Orville
When you switch the ignition on, you should get the buzzer sounding and the water and oil alarm lights etc..
There were some changes to the ECU and warning sensors on the DT range of engines in the nineties, especially the overheat sensors(three different types). Not all of them sound the buzzer when you switch on.

As well as the temp and low oil warning sensors, there is an oil flow sensor/filter in the oil supply line, on the lower port side of the engine. If flow is reduced, the revs are cut. Disconnect the sender, undo the four screws and you'll find a small filter which is probably clogged up. Clean it carefully because if you damage it, you can't buy just the filter. You have to buy the complete sensor unit at a cost of about £40. Refit the unit and just to the right of the unit, you'll find a small bleed screw for the oil system. Bleed the system, preferably running the engine on a 50-1 premix.

Then, open up your control box and put 12volts into your warning horn to ensure it's working. If you don't want to open up the control box, lower the level in the oil tank and this should set the warning horn off.

If all that fails, run the engine up, open the throttle and disconnect the oil level, oil flow and overheat sensors one by one. If the revs pick up, you've got a faulty sensor.

While you're doing all this, it's not a bad idea to drain the oil tank and clean it. Condensation can cause small lumps of jellified oil to collect around the in- tank filter

If all that fails, you're buggered.

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Old 24 March 2006, 14:51   #5
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Not that this has anything to do with your problem, but a few years ago this guy I knew from the boatyard said his Suzuki, I think around 85hp was not running well, he pointed out that over the course of the boat season it got slower an slower, then I noticed the cheapo oil in the boat, 4stroke, he said that was the correct oil as it had a sump on the side of the engine, I said I think you will find thats a 2stroke, no he insisted, funny a few weeks later I noticed the engine for sale, bad news for the person who purchased it!!!
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Old 24 March 2006, 15:40   #6
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Thanks for your comprehensive suggestions, I will revisit the oil flow sensor.

However it is important for me to stress that the warning horn used to sound with the ignition on but the engine not running...it has actually stopped overnight in effect.

Is there a way of testing the monitoring console display unit as it seems strange to me that I have lost ALL the lights on this except the main green oil level lights doen the middle.

I have today replaced an ageing fuel line and the spark plugs and it idles a lot smoother than it did...I'm not sure how high I can try to rev the engine whilst just using 'ear-muffs' to feed it water (or without really annoying the neighbours) to see if I actually have two issues ie breaking down plugs and faulty display unit, rather than the unit being in rev-limit.

Cheers for any more help.

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