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Old 25 June 2005, 17:47   #1
Country: UK - England
Make: ribcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: outboard 115
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 1
Help with engine choice.

Hi I need to replace my broken Johnson 115, I'm looking for a four stoke Mercury, Mariner or Suzuki. 115hp. Anyone had any problems with any of them? One dealer told me to leave Suzuki's alone because of problems but then he sells Mercury! Any help would be greatfully received, I'm new to ribbing at it's aleady cost me a fortune!
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Old 25 June 2005, 18:02   #2
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Pembrokeshire
Boat name: Pendragon
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 6m +
Engine: 200 suzuki
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 85
I would make my choice based on the local dealer and their back up service and ability / respose if the engine has a fault. Saying that, even for routine service. ( I have had a Suzuki 115 and 200 and not had any issues. Again, how the individual looks after it plays a major part).
Good luck and shop about.
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Old 25 June 2005, 18:13   #3
Country: Netherlands
Town: friesland
Boat name: smokkelaer
Make: revenger
Length: 7m +
Engine: 225 Optimax
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 279
I wouldn't bother about wich engine is best. All are great these days.
I have had the Yamaha F115 wich should be one of the best and had some trouble with fuel in the cranckase. Now it's giving a strange beeping noise when at low revs.

Better take a good look at the prices. I don't know if our prices in Holland are about the same as yours but Suzuki gives great prices and come standard with a SS prop and remotecontrol. Yamaha doesn't. I don't know how Merc and Mar come standard.
The new Johnson range is simply Suzuki engines and are about the same price.
Don't see so many Mercury Fourstrokes though. Do see the Mariners FS much.
Really see a lot of Mercury Optimaxes because of there weight. Just bought a 225 Optimax and that's 50 kilo's less then a F225 Yam.

Put some prices next to each other and notice the extra's that should be bought also.
Then try to find, why one is a lot more expensive then one other.

Good luck, it's a difficult job to spend much money

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