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Old 30 January 2024, 12:59   #1
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Hmm - decision. 10hp carbed or 15hp EFI

So - I've ordered a 9.9hp pull start carbed Mercury to go on my 3.2m air deck.

I've just noticed that my boat can actually take up to 15hp. I've rung Boatworld and they said fine weight-wise and performance-wise without sucking of teeth.

There's a sale on still where I've ordered my 9.9hp. Sale ends today, of course (I suspect that's actually true it being 30th Jan, they quote the date).

I can get either an EFI or pull start at same price, an additional £250, which I think I'm willing to stretch to.

Weight goes up to 44kg on EFI from 36kg on the 9.9hp. I'm 50, not well stacked. Cheapo transom wheels, not the tiny silly ones. They're something like a foot in diameter, something like 80cm wide, got that red plastic hub to them.

I'm at work and don't have the leisure to properly research EFIs vs carbed by closing time.

How do you feel about this? Just give me your gut "this is what I'd do" without worrying about "this is about what YOU should do Croolis, not me". I know all that and will still be thinking about it.

Toss me some experiences of EFI vs carbed, perhaps?

Sorry for daft thread (I'm good at those), but I'm a bit on the hop.
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Old 30 January 2024, 13:27   #2
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So are you saying you can cancel the order for the 9.9 with no penalty and then the 15efi is just £250 more than you would have paid for the 9.9?

Are they both Mercury motors?
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Old 30 January 2024, 13:29   #3
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Originally Posted by Fenlander View Post
So are you saying you can cancel the order for the 9.9 with no penalty and then the 15efi is just £250 more than you would have paid for the 9.9?
Yup. I just called them, it's in stock. Though I didn't ask about penalty, none was mentioned.

Yes, both Mercury.

The bits I umm and ahh over are weight and transporting it laid down in boot, reliability of battery (are they gel or something?), fuel injection vs carbs.

I'm old school motorcylist so I know carbs.
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Old 30 January 2024, 13:33   #4
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If a pull start no battery in the efi, they generate voltage as you pull them over. In truth I’d say I’d far rather pay the small extra for 50% extra power and a newer design.
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Old 30 January 2024, 13:45   #5
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Ahh - I think I've missed that then. It's a pull start with an EFI system. I was thinking it's electric start, but it's not.

I'm waiting for a call back from the dealer, who doubtless would have pointed this out to me.

Think I still want that 15hp though.

So generally feel better about EFI, electric start or not, than carbs?
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Old 30 January 2024, 13:54   #6
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Dealer just called me back. Discussed my boat, fairly bluntly told me 15hp for a 3.2m inflatable air deck is too heavy, really. Said he recently sold one to someone the other day with a 3.2m boat who has returned it to go to a 9.9hp. Which sounded a bit convenient for him, TBH.
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Old 30 January 2024, 14:18   #7
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Had to cut short my last reply as I was in the dentist and was called in so sent as far as I’d got. So yes as far as an outboard deal goes the 15efi is better. But for carrying to set up and extra transom weight then as long as you don’t need the 15 because you carry extra folks then a 9.9 is possibly more balanced on a lightly loaded 3.2. However if you upgraded in the future to. 3.5m or larger then the 15 would make more long term sense.

I don’t agree the 15 would be too much for a 3.2 but it would be very lively one or two up. Our first SIB was a 70s 3.2m Zodiac rated to 25hp and that was what the previous guy had. Lightly loaded it was still fun with the Tohatsu 9.8 we used on it.
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Old 30 January 2024, 14:29   #8
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Thank you fella. I found an old thread with you talking a lot about this very topic but you were on the 2 strokes so bit less weight I think.

At work here we've got some large scales. I think I might slope off downstairs to the factory floor and get a feel for lifting 44kg . I struggled a little with my 2.5hp lmao at 18kg or something, let alone double that for a 9.9hp.
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Old 30 January 2024, 14:58   #9
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Lmao, it's gonna be the 9.9hp. Sod lifting 44kg, even if it's just from a sack truck to a transom. Got hernias and sciatica written all over it.

Thanks for help Fenlander .
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Old 31 January 2024, 12:54   #10
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It seems like you already made up your mind but I would also easily pay £250 for EFI over carbureted. And I would pay £250 again for 50% more power. I have a Suzuki DF20 myself, it weighs 44 kg. It is manageable for me, but on the heavy side. I'm also 50 years old but size XL.
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Old 31 January 2024, 13:09   #11
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Originally Posted by dhaglund View Post
It seems like you already made up your mind but I would also easily pay £250 for EFI over carbureted. And I would pay £250 again for 50% more power. I have a Suzuki DF20 myself, it weighs 44 kg. It is manageable for me, but on the heavy side. I'm also 50 years old but size XL.

I too have a 20hp efi, a Merc at 47kg. I upgraded from a 15hp and I found a big difference in power and performance. I think I would have gone for the 15 efi over a 10 carb OB, however I can understand concerns over weight. At 43kg it's not exactly "portable" for some. One day, hopefully a long time off, I will have to downsize to something lighter.
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Old 31 January 2024, 14:47   #12
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I'm 5'8" and don't exercise much besides lunchtime half hour walks .

Yeah it's definitely a case of really wanting the 15hp - I keep thinking I want it, but honestly, I'll have occasions where I'm on my own with it; I have vague pelvis/lower right leg pain frequently all the time now but it flares more acutely every time I use the boat (I think it's piriformis rather than sciatica, but I get it without fail, every time). The 9.9hp alone is likely to make this worse as it is and I don't fancy doing more. There's no point having a bigger, better motor if I trash myself using it so I can't use it at all.

Maybe I'll end up regretting it but I'll just have to graft harder for more coin to switch it up again if that day comes.

And come to think of it, when it comes to loading and unloading the car I'm likely to be doing this alone, every time.
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Old 31 January 2024, 14:59   #13
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From what you describe you've done the right thing going for the 9.9hp
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Old 31 January 2024, 15:15   #14
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Well, you seem to focus on the right thing. Finding a solution that actually works. You won't regret choosing what is right for you and your situation.
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Old 31 January 2024, 18:38   #15
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By the way, folks, I have a 2.5hp Mariner four stroke for sale, done 20 hours, bought brand new less than a year ago. Not sure if the warranty is useful as I didn't do the 3 month service, but the cost of that service vs the cost of the new unit just doesn't stack up (that's not to say I am blase about servicing, mind!).

Only ever used in the Trent. Couple of marks on the cowling, and I once grounded the prop in the Trent for a second so it has some very light scuffing on a blade.
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