On our second honda so far, very impressed so far but never seem to hear anything mentioned about them, they don't seem to be keeping up with the likes of yamaha and suzuki on the 150+ hp side. They seem to have given up after the 225 came out. Does anyone know what the future holds for honda outboards? a 250 maybe?
Well they dont really have any features/ advantages in comparison with others, there heavy and some are still on carb! I can see the attraction of the 150 because its the 2.4l Accord engine, but would still get a yam
Good engines when they work but the sheer weight of them is amazing! A mate of mine had a searider 6m with twin 90 hondas. Very very arse heavy!
Plus early ones literally were eaten away after they used cheap metals round the valve inlets.
I know two centres that got all excited about 4 stroke Hondas. They wouldn't listen to the problems people were having and just raved about them.
Interesting that one has switched to Merc 4 strokes and the other has gone for Mariner 4 strokes! One would have thought if your looking at 16 engines plus for your centre you'd research and dig around a bit more before buying!