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Old 26 May 2009, 12:17   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Holbury
Make: Ocean Dynamic
Engine: 2 330 Iveco Hamilton
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 65
Honda 150 4 stroke

Has anybody had problems with water getting past the Honda Water
Separators , and the 2 engine fuel filters causing expensive damage to
the engine fuel pumps and injection system ?
Our unhappy experience has left us with expensive repairs , which we may have to sell the Rib to pay for. We purchased the Rib second hand from a rescue
service to use by The Venturers Search and Rescue as a training and
rescue Rib for the Coastguard in the Solent. The existing Honda 225 were too
powerful for our use , and we left it on the Honda Jetty to have 2 new
Honda 150 fitted. While on thge jetty the hull was flooded and only
noticed by a third party . We think at that time water got in the tanks
via the top inspection hatches. When we collected it from Honda one engine
failed as we reached the mouth of the Hamble and the other kept cutting
out. That was in late 2008. We had hoped as a Youth Organisation and
Rescue Service for the Coastguard in the Solent with 47 rescues last
year including Ribs .That as a gesture of goodwill Honda UK would have
helped with the repairs , as it would be good PR to have Honda engines
on a Rescue Rib,which provides safety cover for prestiges Yachting
and Power Boating events in the Solent ;but they refused us flat. We normally only use and recommend Yamaha which have given use fault free service for many years , and only fitted Honda as they only had to be
connected to the existing controls ; which now looks to be a big mistake
if we have to sell the Rib to pay for the Repairs. Talking to somebody in
Yamaha that he thought taht if they had been Yamaha engines regardless of blame they would have helped with possible used parts lying around.
for many years years
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Old 26 May 2009, 13:18   #2
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
Length: no boat
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 30
It's a bit of a while since I studied contract law but here are the facts, as i understand it...

You, as a consumer, entered into a contract with Honda's agents to install two 150 hp engines. While the boat was in their care, they allowed water to enter the hull of the craft, and as a result of this the engines, at the time of delivery to the consumer were damaged.

In undertaking this work, there is an implied term (s9 Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 S9(2)) that they will supply goods which match the description in their marketing material (ie work). They are also obliged to take reasonable care and skill (s13 SOGSA 1982) in the installation of the engine. I would argue that allowing the craft to flood while in their care would breach this term of the contract.

See also The Unfair Terms in Consumer Contract Regulations 1999 section 3(1) if they attempt to limit their obligations under the above by reference to their standard terms.

These are known as minor breaches of contract, and so recission (cancellation) of the contract would not normally be allowed. However minor breaches give rise to either an obligation to pay damages or to repair the items.

So following that little jaunt down revision lane, some practical solutions.
Seek experienced legal advice
Send the agents a letter by registered delivery outlining what you, as an organisation believe to be the situation, and how they have an obligation to put right the breach of warranty regarding the fitness for purpose of the engines, immediately following the install. Indicate that you will be informing Honda Marine at the highest level about your dissatisfaction with the situation if they don't sort it out. Set a timescale for them to respond - maybe 10 days.

If they fail to respond, contact Honda Marine, again by registered letter, stating your dissatisfaction, and the facts as you see them.

If that fails to assist, seek legal advice and potentially sue them for damages.

Your statements about how yammie are better are quite ironic given the history of the boat in question. Can I ask why you didn't simply limit the existing engines, instead of going through the risky and complex process of getting the new engines fitted?

PS I've made a few significant assumptions in the writing of my reply, and so please remember that this is a forum reply written by some anonymous bloke on the web so don't cite it without further research and advice.
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Old 26 May 2009, 13:31   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
Boat name: Tinkerbell
Make: Rib
Length: 7m +
Engine: Merc
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 296
Originally Posted by Tiffy View Post
Has anybody had problems with water getting past the Honda Water
Separators , and the 2 engine fuel filters causing expensive damage to
the engine fuel pumps and injection system ?
Our unhappy experience has left us with expensive repairs , which we may have to sell the Rib to pay for. We purchased the Rib second hand from a rescue
service to use by The Venturers Search and Rescue as a training and
rescue Rib for the Coastguard in the Solent. The existing Honda 225 were too
powerful for our use , and we left it on the Honda Jetty to have 2 new
Honda 150 fitted. While on thge jetty the hull was flooded and only
noticed by a third party . We think at that time water got in the tanks
via the top inspection hatches. When we collected it from Honda one engine
failed as we reached the mouth of the Hamble and the other kept cutting
out. That was in late 2008. We had hoped as a Youth Organisation and
Rescue Service for the Coastguard in the Solent with 47 rescues last
year including Ribs .That as a gesture of goodwill Honda UK would have
helped with the repairs , as it would be good PR to have Honda engines
on a Rescue Rib,which provides safety cover for prestiges Yachting
and Power Boating events in the Solent ;but they refused us flat. We normally only use and recommend Yamaha which have given use fault free service for many years , and only fitted Honda as they only had to be
connected to the existing controls ; which now looks to be a big mistake
if we have to sell the Rib to pay for the Repairs. Talking to somebody in
Yamaha that he thought taht if they had been Yamaha engines regardless of blame they would have helped with possible used parts lying around.
for many years years
Salt water will cause serious damage to any engine

It seems a bit rough after leaving the boat in the care of the dealer when it got flooded for them not to help

Try talking to them again they are usually really helpful and have lots of spares that im sure they could use to get you up and running again

Mark at MB marine has a complete (secondhand) FI system for a 150, might be worth a call
Trailer Bloke is offline   Reply With Quote

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