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Old 03 January 2022, 16:38   #1
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Honda 20hp warranty advice needed

I bought a 2017 Highfield rib with a 2017 Honda 20hp a couple of months ago.I’ve used it in freshwater lake with no issues three times and was going to out on it yesterday but once in the water it wasn’t pumping water.
I put it back on trailer and brought it home,the dealer I bought the boat off told me it had been serviced and all the info was online and it had a warranty until May 2022.
I put the outboard in a barrel today and blew compressed air through the tell tale hole and it bubbled in the barrel so I know there is no blockage.
I don’t want to go any further as I’m assuming it’s under warranty and have contacted my local dealer and awaiting a call back.
The original dealer has been good replying to my e mails but he is an 8 hour round trip away so don’t want to take it back unless really necessary.
I’m hoping it’s the impeller or something not too tricky as it’s hard to work out because last time I used it a month ago it ran really well with no issues and has only been sat in my garage since.
My question is do Honda cover the impeller pump under warranty or is it seen as a consumable item and not covered?
I have only been out in the boat 3 times and it’s been fine and hoping it will all be covered under warranty either from Honda or the dealer I bought it from.
Any advice welcome before I speak to my local Honda dealer which is only 30 minutes away.
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Old 03 January 2022, 17:05   #2
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Initially I thought like an oil filter or spark plug it's a serviceable item and should be changed as part of the service schedule in order to maintain your warranty. Otherwise you don't have one. However looking at the schedule it's not mentioned.

I can't imagine they would pick up the bill for a damaged impellor if an operator runs the engine dry because it's no fault of the manufacturer.

Servicing or warranty work can be undertaken equally by any Honda dealer, just choose one you trust that is closest to you.

If you've not got a service history then not to worry they are easy to replace yourself. Many choose to forego the warranty anyway, viewed by many as a cash cow. Hard to swallow changing oil that's only done few hours to maintain a warranty but them's the t&c's.
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Old 03 January 2022, 17:19   #3
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As both units are 2017 is it under the manufacturer's warranty or a warranty given by the dealer you bought it off?

I'd suggest you speak to the dealer & see which as if it's their warranty they may want it brought back to them or they might be happy for you to take it to the local franchised dealer & they'll pick up the bill.
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Old 03 January 2022, 17:26   #4
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It’s under Honda warranty as they do 5 year warranty and that doesn’t expire till may 2022,I have documents from a service in May 2021 saying the impeller and thermostat were replaced when serviced and the dealer assured me the service history is all online.
I’m guessing if it’s a service item then it will be under warranty,hoping it’s nothing else but will update you when my local Honda dealer gets back to me this week.Thank you.
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Old 03 January 2022, 18:16   #5
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For the sake of changing an impeller I wouldn't get too hung up on a warranty claim, impellers can be fried pretty quickly simply by driving over a plastic bag you might struggle to prove its a warranty claim , fit a new one & move on its not the end of the world & very difficult to say what caused the failure

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Old 03 January 2022, 18:30   #6
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Originally Posted by beamishken View Post
For the sake of changing an impeller I wouldn't get too hung up on a warranty claim, impellers can be fried pretty quickly simply by driving over a plastic bag you might struggle to prove its a warranty claim , fit a new one & move on its not the end of the world & very difficult to say what caused the failure

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Way to go
Honda gives 6 year domestic use warranty not 5
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Old 06 January 2022, 00:44   #7
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Personally would be very surprised if an impeller would come under warranty issues. Its like trying to claim for new tyres on a car warranty, these parts wear out especially if the engine has been run dry. You only have to touch the bottom briefly to pick up sand or grit that can block and stop the water pumping, how can that be a manufacturing fault.

Its an easy fix if its simply the impeller or a block where the water comes out especially on a small light engine like that (yes I had one). Learning how to drop the leg and change impellers is pretty easy thanks to google!!!! The cooling chamber where the water pumps is larger than the outlet at the pee hole, which is where a block normally occurs. If that's the case, slipping some heavy fishing line around 100-200lb down the hole will often break any shell grit and allow it to pump freely again. The amount of times it happened with my little 20 Honda when fishing shallow rivers was the reason I always carried about 1ft of heavy line in the boat at all times.
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Old 06 January 2022, 10:29   #8
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As jonp says...

A four year old motor not pumping is 99.9% likely to be user/environment induced failure and really running a boat with small outboard... like spark plugs and a fuel filter etc... an owner ought to be able to change the impellor with the most basic tools.
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