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Old 05 July 2009, 23:05   #1
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Honda 50 problems starting...

I wonder if anyone an take a guess at whats wrong with my engine, when it wouldn't start today..

I took the Rib out last week over to the IOW from Hythe and back again, so the battery is well and truly charged, and the engine seemed to been running really well.. it was serviced a few months ago...

I then went down to Hythe again today to run up the battery and buy some fuel.. the engine started second time... and seemed to be running well...

Over the last few weeks, I have noticed that the engine doesn't always turn over and start... but after a couple goes it does.

Anyway I turned the engine off, and tried to start up the engine again, but nothing happened... now the kill cord was in, I had enough fuel in the tank, the battery seems to be well charged, but the engine would not turn over at it... not even the slightest noise.. it was as if the kill chord wasn't plugged in, and you can't start the engine.

I also realised that I could not raise the engine up or down using the trim/tilt.

So I have got my enginer not starting, and my trim/tilt of the engine not working... anyone hazard a guess why?

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Old 05 July 2009, 23:16   #2
Country: UK - England
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I have found another article on this issue... sounds lke I need ot take a look at the fuses first of all.
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Old 05 July 2009, 23:17   #3
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Originally Posted by dave9960 View Post
but the engine would not turn over at it... not even the slightest noise.. it was as if the kill chord wasn't plugged in, and you can't start the engine.
Actually with kill cord not in the engine will still turnover but just won't fire into life. However with the engine in gear it appears to be completely dead (i am an expert at trying to start the engine with one or both of these protection features activated!)
So I have got my enginer not starting, and my trim/tilt of the engine not working... anyone hazard a guess why?
my guess would be that there is either a dodgy connection or cable (or the master isolator switch) - either something has worked loose or coroded.
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Old 06 July 2009, 03:30   #4
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
Actually with kill cord not in the engine will still turnover but just won't fire into life. However with the engine in gear it appears to be completely dead (i am an expert at trying to start the engine with one or both of these protection features activated!)
LOL. You're not the only one.

my guess would be that there is either a dodgy connection or cable (or the master isolator switch) - either something has worked loose or coroded.
I agree. Sounds like it may be the battery cable. The slow creep-up of symptoms to complete disablement sounds more like a corroded or broken connection than a fuse.

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Old 06 July 2009, 22:38   #5
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went down to the rib to play around tonight.. checked the fuses, the push connectors on the side, and finally found out after lots of twiddling of cables that there was a bad connection on the battery....

I'll go back down to the boat tomorrow, scrape off some rust, and bring my pot of vaseline down with me....... for the battery of course... hopefully she will start first time after that..

Thank you for the suggestions that were made... it certainly pointed me in the right direction
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Old 06 July 2009, 23:07   #6
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....battery connections. Yeah, I've spent a long, midgie infested night chasing a faulty starter that proved to be battery connections. Welcome to the club
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Old 08 July 2009, 22:26   #7
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Yep it was my battery connections... it starts easily now.... something so simple, yet it took me a while to find it...

But now I have another problem, when I get to a certain acceration level, I get a beeping noise (like a car reversing), or a lorry reversing... coming from my console... and I don't have a clue why...

All the fuses are fine... the battery connections are fine.. can anyone help..
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Old 08 July 2009, 22:33   #8
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Originally Posted by dave9960 View Post
But now I have another problem, when I get to a certain acceration level, I get a beeping noise (like a car reversing), or a lorry reversing... coming from my console... and I don't have a clue why...
Most common alarm on outboards will be a cooling water / overheat alarm. 2str with an oil tank also alarm for oil level - but that wont apply to you. Your manual should explain any other alarms and the sound patterns that help you identify the fault.
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Old 09 July 2009, 16:40   #9
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Might temproraily connect a voltmeter to the battery cable at the engine end. You may be hearing an over-/under-voltage alarm. Which, of course, would point to another connection problem somewhere.


Just thought of something else: Have you eliminated your electronics as the source of the alarm? My GPS will alarm if the engine doesn't fire up right away as the starter drags the voltage down. Could that be happening (the low voltage thing, not the starting.)
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Old 09 July 2009, 20:12   #10
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Good point JKY - I have at least 4 things that can beep at me for differant reasons - engine , GPS, Radio & depth alarm. All for varius differant reasons!
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Old 02 August 2009, 23:32   #11
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My beeping Honda 50 issue stopped beeeping when I had a new rectifier fitted... thanks to the Ribshop who found the issue
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