12 December 2008, 16:15
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How best 2 restrict WOT for my 12 yr old....
........on my Yam 380s with a Yam 15hp 4-Stroke on the tail.
My daughter is most sensible and as such often takes control of my 6m with a 140 on the stern (with me aboard) and has in her time enjoyed as equal numbers of hours on the water with me in varying conditions.
I have just bought a 380 Yam and would like to let her loose so to speak, alone however, as added security I'd like to start by restricting WOT - not that she would go to WOT if told not too - but you never know what might occur - I am sure at some point even those of us with many hours under our belts have twisted the throttle or pushed forward / backward too much just at the wrong time - therefore I'm sure you get my point.
So - what is the best method to restrict WOT whilst allowing some freedom on the plane............
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12 December 2008, 17:03
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A quick (clumsy) but effective way I have found, is to build up the 'thickness' of the throttle lever at the right point with cable tie/self amalgamating, so that the lever 'jams' against the throttle box before WOT. (a bit difficult to describe but I hope you get the gist)
Very crude, but easy to install and remove.
I'm sure there will be some much more high tech suggestions soon.
Just thought........this obviously wouldn't work for tiller/twist throttle, but not sure what you have on 380!
12 December 2008, 17:09
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Restricting thr air intake or exhaust will reduce the power.
The tape sounds like a good idea though.
12 December 2008, 17:37
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Originally Posted by chewy
Restricting thr air intake or exhaust will reduce the power.
It'll also make the engine run like a bag of poo unless you spend considerable time rejetting it.
If you're lucky the throttle mechanism on the carb will have a screw stop to set the WOT position.
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12 December 2008, 17:42
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2
It'll also make the engine run like a bag of poo unless you spend considerable time rejetting it.
If you're lucky the throttle mechanism on the carb will have a screw stop to set the WOT position.
Wot he said 
12 December 2008, 18:03
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think i would just build up the throttle lever on the carb with tape or sleeve it with a bit of plastic tubing until you get the right revs ,
12 December 2008, 19:32
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easy. just slacken the cable a bit and guess what... lots of nothing when you first start twisting the grip.
easy to set the max and easy to reverse when you are going out for a play.
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12 December 2008, 21:23
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Sorry thick hat on, what is WOT?

12 December 2008, 22:03
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Wide Open Throttle
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13 December 2008, 20:06
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Originally Posted by MeMe
........on my Yam 380s with a Yam 15hp 4-Stroke on the tail.
I have just bought a 380 Yam and would like to let her loose so to speak, alone however, as added security I'd like to start by restricting WOT - not that she would go to WOT if told not too - but you never know what might occur - I am sure at some point even those of us with many hours under our belts have twisted the throttle or pushed forward / backward too much just at the wrong time - therefore I'm sure you get my point.
If your in the boat as ballast then no problem  if you have got plenty of weight in the bow she should be ok big anchor and chain or bag of sand
13 December 2008, 20:31
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My dad did the same for my first sib many years ago. He had an T model little metal plate with a screw in the short part of the T.... The screw made it impossible to go further then 50% throttle. It stopped the carburator from opening up further then 50% with that screw. Very simple but effective method.
Hope I'm making any sence......
Reason I remember this system really well, is because I found out how it worked quickly and ofcourse made sure I could go 100% throttle again, without the old man knowing ofcourse......
14 December 2008, 00:57
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There are lot's of very ingenous methods for restricting speed, as there are manufacturer's different ways for controlling carb acceleration, modern engines uses mostly cable & cam, levers and pinion & shaft throttles, a matter of bringing the right solution for each engine method used. The fastest to adjust are levers and shafts throtles as you will only need to adjust wot bolt stoppers to achieve less carb opening.
Happy Sibbing
14 December 2008, 19:00
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.........guys - will give it a go this weekend.
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14 December 2008, 20:41
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Hi Meme - Just thinking about the same things with my 2 girls ( 11 & 13) . I'm going down the line of thinking that they need to know how to hande the full power range of the boat ( starting with my 4m / 50hp Avon) . I thougt about restricting them, but then worried that when it was 'de-restricted' they ( on reflex)would think they could go to what they thought was full power- to find another hand full of power they had no experiance of, and end up in trouble.
Are you planning to back of the restriction over time ?
Any pros/ instrctors have any experiance of anything like this - used to 25hp & then tryng to handle 200hp in the same way ?
15 December 2008, 10:43
Country: UK - England
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I plan.........
........to tutor her in the full speed of the sib with me aboard and her at the controls however, thereafter when letting her loose alone I will restrict it to something yet to be determined however, enough to get her on the plane but not WOT.
Once I feel she has mastered the art of gettiing out of the hole and piloting it to and from the beach, I'll let her have WOT.
It's a pretty much, play it and see approach - she is very sinsible however there is o harm in prudence just to get started.
I'll keep you informed - the Christmas break should find us on the water in some form or another.
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15 December 2008, 11:30
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How are the rules in UK actually?
In the Netherlands there are very strict rules.
If you want to be in controle over a boat longer then 15 meters or able to do faster then 10.8 knots, you'll need to be at least 18 years and have a special license for these kind of boats.
So under 18 a SIB with up to 6 hp would approx be the limit if you are alone in it.
15 December 2008, 13:12
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Rules - boating - UK - ? We can just do what we want with no regard for common sense, life , engine power , size etc !
Seriously - anyone with a brain ( ie Meme etc ) will be sensible , however you do see & experiance no end of very young children in control of boats that are very powerful .
Thankfully a lot of them are aware and have experiance from a very young age , some however are not aware or experianced.
15 December 2008, 15:19
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Well that sounds a lot better then here in Holland.....
Although I do think that you absolutely need some experience to be able and save with powerfull RIB's or SIB's which can exceed 15 knots orso.
But here in Holland the license is all about theory, no practice on a boat or whatever...
So any idiot who can read and learn all the rules can get the license, but might still be far from able to drive a powerfull boat safely.
In my case, got a lot of tickets when I was young and messing about with the SIB's....
16 December 2008, 14:18
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Wot Restriction Example
As said before, systems that use bolt stoppers are the quickest to adjust without having to lose time building a special restrictor part. A good adjustment that gives excellent planing & hole shot is the furthest distance travelled before the roller starts to "climb" the cam sharp angle, this will be the max speed cruise position with 3/4 open butterfly. Just adjust the stopper CW to match that restricted position (pic 4) This restrictor adjustment can be applied to any 1, 2 cylinder outboards using throttle stoppers in terms of more or less amount desired restriction.
Pic 1 : full wot, cam/angle/butterfly position
Pic 2 : cruise, cam/angle/butterfly position
Pic 2 : full wot stopper position
Pic 4 : cruise stopper position
Is the same method in restricting/degrading a Tohatsu/Nissan 30HP to 25 HP, (-5º timming, carb wot restricted by stopper)
Happy Sibbing
16 December 2008, 15:53
Country: UK - England
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...........brilliant - thanks -
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