24 November 2010, 20:07
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How long does mixed 2 stroke fuel last?
Simple question hoping to find a simple answer,
I have a mariner 3.3 2 stroke that runs at 100:1 and also a seagull that runs at 10:1.
How long will the premixed fuel last in the jerry can or fuel tank?
24 November 2010, 21:14
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Originally Posted by lockieboi
Simple question hoping to find a simple answer,
I have a mariner 3.3 2 stroke that runs at 100:1 and also a seagull that runs at 10:1.
How long will the premixed fuel last in the jerry can or fuel tank?
6 months top!
24 November 2010, 21:28
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Chuck it in the car and top off with fresh fuel to dilute.
No point hanging on to it
24 November 2010, 22:00
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Thanks for the replies.
Is it really o.k to put it in a car even mixed with oil at 10:1
24 November 2010, 22:08
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Just put a few litres in each time you fill up, it'll be fine
24 November 2010, 22:10
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Originally Posted by lockieboi
Thanks for the replies.
Is it really o.k to put it in a car even mixed with oil at 10:1
Yes, if you dilute it well enough. I know some that do. I have twin cats in my ride so for the fivers worth of oily petrol, I just burn it off in a drum, if I get caught with an excess...
And being somewhat Scroatish, I generally don't!
25 November 2010, 09:16
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6 months????? whose petrol do you guys buy?
The seagull will run on pretty much anything you pour into it's tank(*), and the Mariner will likely be only marginally less fussy.
I've run a twin pot carbed Johnson 25 on fuel that turned out had been sitting for over a year, and it fired second pull. Granted it was slightly more smoky with the old fuel, (I assume due to evaporation of the petrol side of the mix) but it still ran.
Any premix engine below about 5 hp will have one cyl, one carb and one mechanically induced spark. No emissions monitors to shut it down coz you are killing the rainforests, just give it a shake to make sure the oil / fuel hasn't separated out.
* figuritively! It will be a lot less fussy than a modern 4- stroke, but don't try & run it on dirty dishwater or something equally daft. I include this "state the obvious" so that in 20 years someone searching the forum doesn't do something stoopid!
04 December 2010, 00:04
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How about Petrol
I am glad I came accross this thread.
Following on from this , can anyone tell me how long pertrol lasts?
Thanks in advance.
Silent but deaf-lee
04 December 2010, 16:12
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it depends on how its stored. Unleaded not as long as leaded, more water content etc, we are still running vintage cars on fuel that was put in 5-6 years ago, it has a stale smell but still goes ok, Unleaded fuel you would be lucky to get 2 years out of it, I tried to start a LG6 Lagonda on U/L fuel approx 18 months old, stale smell. but just would not start, had to mix some fresh in. it really also depends on what the fuel is in also.
04 December 2010, 17:09
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I've used fuel that has stood for 6-7 months and its been fine, I think alot could depend on what engine you have?
05 December 2010, 09:25
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Originally Posted by chewy
I've used fuel that has stood for 6-7 months and its been fine, I think alot could depend on what engine you have?
and how well sealed the can is. A completely sealed can (which may not necessarily be a good idea if it gets warm and over-pressurises) will last better than one with an open vent.
05 December 2010, 17:49
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I had vw polo (1994 vintage) on a sorn for nearly 4 years charged the battery up and off she went no problem.
05 December 2010, 18:11
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Originally Posted by fred bolton
I had vw polo (1994 vintage) on a sorn for nearly 4 years charged the battery up and off she went no problem.
Didn't know they made 2 stroke Polo's 
05 December 2010, 19:49
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Originally Posted by lockieboi
I have a mariner 3.3 2 stroke that runs at 100:1
Have you had any issues with that at all? On the sticker on the side of the engine (we have the same one) it recommends 100:1 however in the operator's guide it states that it should be 50:1 which is what we have always run it on.
Originally Posted by lockieboi
seagull that runs at 10:1.
You really should change the jet to let in run on 25:1, they run much better
07 December 2010, 18:39
Country: UK - England
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Haven't had any issued yet but haven't had it long. In the manual from memory it says to use it at 50:1 if used constantly. When I had mine serviced I asked the question and was told to keep it at 100:1.
I still have 5 litres of mixed fuel in a jerry can and am unsure weather or not it will be usable next season.
09 December 2010, 20:25
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in my experance if petrol is stored in a ventillated can as is proper to prevent expansion etc it evaporates at its own pace which is goverened by the room temp as well , whatever is left in the can up to a couple of years is useable no prob the oil also retains its viscosity but forms in a blob at the lowest point a good shake to mix it basically i think that as long as its still in a ventilated container and has not evaporated and can be mixed its ok
a 50 to 1 mix in a 100 to 1 recomended engine is no prob it can cause some things like
hard to start
fouled plugs
money for oil
a bit more smoke
can leave a embarasing oil trail in water compliments of the exhaust
but your engine will run and preform and get a bit more lube at the cylinders which is only good for the engine
if you run a 50 to 1 on a 100 to 1 mix
its going to overheat and seize
09 December 2010, 23:14
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Originally Posted by Polwart
and how well sealed the can is. A completely sealed can (which may not necessarily be a good idea if it gets warm and over-pressurises) will last better than one with an open vent.
Its stored in Ex-MOD Barrus cans.
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