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Old 06 June 2013, 11:41   #1
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How to check warning Buzzer

I have a Mercury 75hp 2000, 2 stroke outboard and i dont think the warning alarm is working on it, if indeed it has one at all.

Can someone let me know if there is an electrical test i can do to make it sound or best way to fault test it.

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Old 06 June 2013, 11:57   #2
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Hi if it's anything like the Mariner 135 I've just got it's in the remote and does a start up test when you turn the key one longer then three short beeps! Constant beep is overheat sensor (brown wire to cylinder head) beep beep beep constantly is oil (either cap or pump) !!!
Any ideas welcome how to stop it beeping welcome !! I suspect that if you've nothing on turning the key it's had the buzzer (if it had one) disconnected just like mine is about to have.......

Good luck !
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Old 06 June 2013, 12:48   #3
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OK, presumably it used to beep / buzz at you and now doesn't?

Let's assume it has one and has stopped squeaking. It either means that the buzzer itself is gubbed, or the signal to make it buzz isn't getitng to it.

Assuming not much changed in the remotes wiring, there will be a wire from the engine to the buzzer (probably Tan or tan with a stripe coloured) If you can break into the loom with 12V across that wire & the earth (an old Hornby train controller or a couple of wires from the 12V supply to the engine) it should squeal at you. If it doesnlt then it;s either the buzzer or one of the connections.

Option 2 is of course to dismantle the remotes & just apply 12V to the buzzer directly, but if you are going to do that, remove the remotes from the side of the console & lay them down flat first! (Don't ask me how I know that helps )
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Old 06 June 2013, 13:04   #4
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Hi 9D280, I'm about to open up the remote to disconnect the buzzer as I can't get the thing to stop !!
Tested the cap on the oil tank & tried everything else to work out why it's happening. The engine's new to me & I'm convinced it's an electrical signal issue as it's getting plenty of oil & even when it's stalled the beeping continues until I turn the key off !!
I've no way of testing the box of electrical gubbins that the wires from the oil pump go to but disconnecting them doesn't stop the horn continuing! It does the normal beeeeeeep beep beep beep when I turn the key then when it's running constantly beep beep beep !!
Disconnecting the horn sounds a little drastic but seems to be a common fix !
Any clues please as the engine's new to me but I'm assured it didn't beep when removed from the previous boat?
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Old 06 June 2013, 14:58   #5
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Its not very often that those warning horn/beeper fail, Dont disconnect the warning horn (beeper) its there to tell you something is wrong, if its oil check the sender under the oil tank, and/or make sure the float in the oil tank is rising and dropping properly,Is the oil to thick (not quicksilver trade name?) so the float not working properly.
If its overheat take out the overheat senser and remove any corrosion or paint flakes from inside the hole
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Old 06 June 2013, 16:12   #6
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Cheers uncle al. Got the engine from a dealer but they're 200 miles away but I've spoken to them at length on the phone & I'm convinced that it's not the oil cap! Took it off & wired it up to a 12V bulb & it works on or off as you raise or lower it. The other sensor in the oil pump and runs through a sealed box possibly taking readings from no.4 spark & a rotating magnet on the pump to optimise the oil feed . It's getting plenty of oil with the added bonus of keeping the midges at bay.
The warning for high temp is a constant beep but it's peeing plenty of water. I don't want if possible to pre-mix as it's a thirsty beast.
I've now run 10 litres of fuel through it with no issues but being 50 miles from the coast won't get a chance to try it on the water for a while!
When it was fitted to the previous boat no alarm so I'm convinced it's faulty wiring but it looks fairly idiot proof (allegedly) !
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