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Old 15 August 2012, 12:21   #1
Country: UK - Wales
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How to fit an auxillary outboard in a tight space on transom

I have just fitted a new auxillary outboard with my main mercury and I am quite happy with my self I managed to get the same make and model. Looks quite cool i think :P

Although bolting directly onto the transom it is limiting the full movement off my engine, I need somthing to push the outboard out slightly so its not interfering with the steering mechanisim.

I have even heard of these extensions which allow you to have the auxillary sticking out further than the main engine for ease of use and then when your finished for storage, it folds up and rests above the main tube with the auxillary engine on its side.

Anyone seen this before or can point me in the right direction, here is what it looks like currently.

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Old 15 August 2012, 12:49   #2
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I just tilt my aux up when it's not needed (held there with a piece of wood and a ratchet strap rather than relying on the existing tilt mechanism) and that moves it out of the way enough for the main outboard to turn without restriction - does that work for your setup ?
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Old 15 August 2012, 13:15   #3
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The main problem is where the auxiliary bolts to the transom, on the main engine when you turn the engine a piston comes out when you turn it a certain direction and this is what’s catching on my auxiliary, so basically my aux needs to be bolted onto an extension away from the transom.
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Old 16 August 2012, 09:50   #4
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I guess your Aux is on the Port Side and beig hit by the steering link arm.

If so, will it fit to starboard?

Or could you pack it up by 1/4" or so to avoid the main engine's steetring gear?
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Old 16 August 2012, 22:09   #5
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Originally Posted by 9D280 View Post
I guess your Aux is on the Port Side and being hit by the steering link arm. If so, will it fit to starboard?
That's what I thought. Worked for me on the starboard side. Definitely needs to be secured with a ratchet strap... otherwise it rattles like a bag of spanners! Note the stainless steel u-bolt securing point on the transom leg support.

Is that with or without VAT?
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Old 17 August 2012, 15:13   #6
Country: UK - Wales
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Yes the steering link arm is fouling things up, unfortunatly the engine is slightly to the right and so the space isnt big enough to fit the aux in. Whoever originally installed it all didnt plan for an auxillary engine! The space available is on the wrong side and so its fouling everything up, will have to see what i can do.
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Old 17 August 2012, 16:30   #7
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I have the same problem. give it a week or two and I'll put some photos up of my prototype solution......

Having said that, is there space on the other side to park the aux with it locked "dead ahead"? You are likely going to be able to steer usig the main as a rudder (seen it done lots of times) so as long as there is space for the main to swing as normal, it means you get a more comfortable seat and can have the aux in a smaller space. (and by moving you forward gets the transom further out and so vastly reduces the displacement drag).
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Old 17 August 2012, 19:15   #8
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Having said that, is there space on the other side to park the aux with it locked "dead ahead"? You are likely going to be able to steer usig the main as a rudder (seen it done lots of times)

This is my prefered method for trolling actually, just fire the aux up just over tickover bout 1-2knts and use main engine as rudder, works great and much easier than using the aux for helming as well.
Try starboard side as mentioned, or failing that you'll need a folding aljarminium outboard bracket.

Tidy RIB btw.
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Old 18 August 2012, 21:50   #9
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I have mine on the starboard side and in my case with an old small merc 60hp 2s, it allows full movement of the main outboard. I also just have it fixed straight ahead and steer the boat with the main engine. The aux I use is a longshaft Yam Malta, which I think is about 3.5hp, it pushes my tornado 5mtr reasonably well although I haven't used it for real in an emergency situation yet, 'fingers crossed'
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