I bought a 2nd hand rib with a Mariner 30EFI. It had 11 hours so the burn-in is allready made.
The question is, how can I know if the engine is in good shape? Let me explain...
From reading this article -
- regarding several engines, and the Mariner among them, I realized that on my first day out, with aproximately the same load (517Kg rib included), my rib's performance was under average as top speed was 36km at 5500rpm. The boat used on the test in this article reached 46Km. The voyage was up-river with no wind.
Sometimes when I stopped, blue smoke would come out but not always...
The guy that delivered it said he checked oil and sparkplugs. Besides, here in Portugal, when changing owners any boat must go thru a flotation and mechanical inspection.
Can anyone give some insight on this?