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Old 06 September 2009, 19:33   #1
Country: USA
Town: tununak
Boat name: fv ravin madd
Make: achillis & avon
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Engine: outboards
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 24
how you guys like your mercs?

I bought a 50 hp two stroke and after yamaha outboards they seem under engineered and poor workmanship I know why did I buy one? it was 2 grand for a 04 with maybe 60 hours on it but gee do you guys run and like yours seems like I read the forums they have never ending carb problems but this could be the owners fault my next motor will be a 60 yamaha four stroke or tohosu 70 or 90 hpdi how about some input here
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Old 06 September 2009, 20:28   #2
Country: UK - Wales
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The full stop key on your compooter isn't working.
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Old 07 September 2009, 10:53   #3
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: Wildheart
Make: Humber/Delta Seasafe
Length: 5m +
Engine: Merc 60 Clamshell
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I'd be interested to know why you think "under engineered". Assuming you are comparing it to a Yam 50 (which shares it's leg with everything up to the 90) then strictly speaking the Yam 50-80 have an over engineered leg!

My Merc is about 20 years older than yours, and from an egneering viewpoint I would say I have conflicting thoughts - the first is that it is a brilliant piece of weight reduction engineering - 83Kg vs 110 odd for a more conventionally designed equivalent. Form the mass manufacturing viwewpoint I'd say the guys on the poduction line must have cursed the designers - e.g 5 different fasteners to connect the powerhead to the leg , 3 different tools needed to separate gearbox from leg, the list goes on..... BUT I have a 60Hp engine that weighs in at about half a tank of fuel heavier than my Suzuki 25 of similar age! It's still a PITA to service....
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Old 07 September 2009, 11:09   #4
Country: UK - Scotland
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My year 2000 4str. has a Yamaha engine. Over the years I've come to realise the thing is much more sophisticated than is first apparent. Sounds as if it's easier to work on than the older ones though.
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Old 07 September 2009, 12:11   #5
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: Wildheart
Make: Humber/Delta Seasafe
Length: 5m +
Engine: Merc 60 Clamshell
MMSI: 235068449
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 4,671
Yeah, it's primarily because I think it's been designed to be as light & compact as possible, so everything hangs off everything else with next to no space to get fingers in. (e.g. the air box also doubles as the support foor the front of the cowl, the chokle solenoid, the wiring loom clamp, the fuel connector mount etc etc, so when I want to take a carb out, I need to dismnatile the entire front of the engine. On the Yam - I took the lid off, undid 4 screws, and off popped the carbs. Having said that it was easier lifting the Merc (60) onto the transom than it was liffting the Merc (55) off! Another example is the Thermostat is integral to the exhaust manifoold cooling jacket, so if I need to replace that, I have to undo about 12 screws as oppsed to the usual 4 for a 'stat housing. (And that after having to remove a chunk of the throttle mechanism!)

Having said that, it's light and compact (as said before on a par with my 25Hp Suzi), so because of that I can live with a bit of servicing PITA once in a while. as 40 odd Kg is halfway to another passenger and once it;s been rebuilt I only plan to be servicing once a year - a lot less than I'll be using it!
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Old 08 September 2009, 02:25   #6
Country: USA
Town: tununak
Boat name: fv ravin madd
Make: achillis & avon
Length: 4m +
Engine: outboards
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 24
thanks for merc input

well all good stuff said I had a T 50 FS high trust very good kicker ten years hard work hight time worked to death dropped a rod in the end. the few years befor my t50 lots of guys had loads of cranks snapp. I then got a low time 2000 40 hp 4 cyl yamaha real problems with this one to many to list laying in my yard. I was planning on buying a 90 2 stroke price is 6.000 US may still buy one. If not I will buy 90 yamaha efi I was just a little bummed out on all the small stuff that went wrong on the merc the shift handle is poorly placed we will see as we run them hard in the Bering sea lots of bars and shallow digging things they where not made to do thanks all you make me feel better sounds like you like your mercs ok . I also may buy a tohotsu 90 hpdi dont like 4 stroke to heavy Kim
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Old 08 September 2009, 16:58   #7
Country: UK - England
Town: Sheffield
Boat name: Touch Bottom
Make: Avon
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Engine: 50 hp Merc Power t&t
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Posts: 294
My Brother & I have a Merc 50 Four cylinder, Two stroke, Brown band circa 1985. Also a Mariner 45. Four cylinder, Two stroke circa 1986. they are both exactly the same engine. We run them on Four Metre Seariders, the boats are old and so are the engines. We would not swop these for all the tea in China, they are stonking little engines, and easy to work on. A few months back we had a look at a Yam 60. half the age of the Mercs, and most likely only done half the work. A bigger load of diarrhoea I have yet to come across, it was absolutely knackered. About as much use as a One legged bloke at an arse kicking party. Give me Mercs every time.
PS. is my full stop key working?
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