18 April 2008, 07:45
Country: Other
Boat name: "can"
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Posts: 88
Ignition problem... I NEED HELP
Hi all,
I have a 2004 40hp e-tec (dplsrE40) and recently we have some problems while running the engine. When we turn the ignition key the red lights in the tacho lighten up with the beep sound and then go off one by one doing the check. The problem arises right afterwards and when i turn the key for ignition, nothing happens. Engine is not cranking but only pure silence. There is also no dimming at the instrument lights while this is happening.
When we play with throttle and trim button a little bit, it starts normally if we are lucky. Yesterday, it took almost 10min to run the engine and it is frustrating.
Please help me! I need your ideas.
18 April 2008, 08:11
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Originally Posted by memo
Hi all,
I have a 2004 40hp e-tec (dplsrE40) and recently we have some problems while running the engine. When we turn the ignition key the red lights in the tacho lighten up with the beep sound and then go off one by one doing the check. The problem arises right afterwards and when i turn the key for ignition, nothing happens. Engine is not cranking but only pure silence. There is also no dimming at the instrument lights while this is happening.
When we play with throttle and trim button a little bit, it starts normally if we are lucky. Yesterday, it took almost 10min to run the engine and it is frustrating.
Please help me! I need your ideas.
Is there a safety switch to stop it from starting in gear? if so it sounds like it is not made when in neutral I’d look at that first around the gear throttle selector under the cover ?
18 April 2008, 08:34
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Yeh, check all simple things first, kill cord, loose connections etc.
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18 April 2008, 08:35
Country: Other
Boat name: "can"
Make: Joker Boat
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Engine: 40hp e-tec
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 88
As far as i know there is not an add-on safety switch. But i don't know if this is coming in with the standart controls... I will open the cover and look.
18 April 2008, 09:11
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Originally Posted by memo
As far as i know there is not an add-on safety switch. But i don't know if this is coming in with the standart controls... I will open the cover and look.
Standard on most outboards I think
18 April 2008, 11:47
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Yeah, I think it's standard. Suz / Yam & Tohatsu all have them fitted. It basicallty is a switch that is open circuit untill the lever is in neutral, where a cam on the mechanism closes it to complete the starter circuit. Just stops you cranking in gear. I bet if you have a pull cord it will start with that!
It's also incrredibly sensitive to the angle of the throttle lever. You may just have a tiny amount of mechanical slack inside your remote box.
18 April 2008, 11:54
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I had this exact issue with my Suzi 200 a couple of years ago.
The microswitch activated by a lever on the gear selection mechanism went duff, which led the 'system to believe the engine was in gear and locked out the stsrter motor.
18 April 2008, 13:16
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I also had the same problem on a Yamaha remote throttle box.
On the day (on the water) I just took the cover off the throttle and found that the bullet connectors (one male and one female) to the "only allow the starter motor to operate in neutral" microswitch had been designed so that you could bypass the switch altogether (nice design).
Later I spent about £3 at Maplins for a similarly rated microswitch and replaced the old one.
20 April 2008, 16:58
Country: Other
Boat name: "can"
Make: Joker Boat
Length: 4m +
Engine: 40hp e-tec
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 88
Thank you very much! your diagnosis of position sensor is true. Although i haven't opened the box and checked the engine started running perfect right in the middle of the neutral. I think i will check it properly next time i take her on the trailer.
Thanks again!
20 April 2008, 17:29
RIBnet supporter
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Originally Posted by memo
Thank you very much! your diagnosis of position sensor is true. Although i haven't opened the box and checked the engine started running perfect right in the middle of the neutral. I think i will check it properly next time i take her on the trailer.
Thanks again!
inside the engine cover not the control box I think
21 April 2008, 09:55
Country: UK - England
Town: Buckingham
Make: Ribcraft 4.8
Length: 4m +
Engine: Mariner 75
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 360
Ah - I stand corrected - I have only ever seen the microswitch inside the throttle unit (for smaller outboards under 50hp) rather than at engine end of the bowden cable.
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