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Old 13 February 2003, 18:13   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Cheltenham
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 89
Importing engines to the UK for cheap sources

Manos has said a number of times about it being cheaper to buy engines in USA and SA, but what is involved and what are the +&- to work out before all the moths fly out of your wallet?

Can anyone list the taxes that you have to consider and where there are exemptions?

Also anyone know about worldwide warrentees and difference in engine types worldwide? I would hate to get an engine from USA and find its a different spec so no spares in Europe!

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Old 14 February 2003, 09:06   #2
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This is a veritable mine-field. I can only comment on experience. Yamaha still do not recognise the warranty on outboards purchased abroad. UK Yamaha have their own set of rules and frankly I would not bother trying to bring one in as it will end in tears.
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Old 14 February 2003, 09:28   #3
Country: UK - England
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Why assume the guy would want a Yamaha. Mercury & Mariner can be bought quite cheaply in Europe, as well as the States, why is everybody so keen to give their hard earnt money to SA.

Having been in Belgium and Italy recently, it suprised me how much the engine prices differ to ours. And now that we have the Chunnel, you can be back from Belgium the same day.

If you ship from abroad, you would normally be liable for shipping, insurance, duty of around 2% (depending on HP) and vat. Plus a few incidentals that get added by shipping agent.

Warranties are supposedly world wide, but as Charles says, you can experience problems, especially with Yamaha. Merc & Mariner seem ok if purchased in Europe, Belgium seems favourite cause that is where the UK importer (Barrus) get theirs from.

There is a couple of guys in this country who can source you cheap motors from abroad. Mostly Mercs. PM me for their details. What size motor was you thinking of?
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!
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Old 14 February 2003, 20:55   #4
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Re: Charles

Originally posted by Dirk Diggler
Why assume the guy would want a Yamaha.
I did not assume anything, I was merely pointing out the pitfalls of one particular manufacturer, and any else can comment on others makes, if they so desire. I escalated my problem to the highest levels of YAM UK and was subsequently fobbed off to Japan. Cost me a living fortune on phone calls and wasted time with no result.
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