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Old 17 August 2007, 18:09   #1
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Is it worth it

I have a 1996 Johnson V4 90HP on the back of my Osprey which gives me ok performance with 36 knots flat out fully trimmed out. It is a clean reliable engine, I do like this engine as I can work on it myself without needing a degree in computers.

The Osprey is rated to 120hp. I have been toying with the idea of a new Etec 115HP but have decided that I would not want to spend that sort of money.

I have found a 2001 version of the V4 I have now which is the 115HP version and would bolt straight to the back of the boat using all the existing cables & controls It is a very clean engine from the US with sub 300 hours on the clock.

If I sell my engine on ebay I would expect to fetch between £1250 and £1500 and I could buy the new engine for about £2,200 including shipping and duty.

So for about £800 I could have the new engine on the back of the boat.

The question I am asking I guess is will I notice the extra 25HP enough to warrant the change has anyone ever done a similar change and if so how much of an improvement did they notice?

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Old 17 August 2007, 18:20   #2
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think about it in percentage terms.
I know of people who have changed from 200 to 225 (12.5%) as an example and gained a couple of knots.
from 90 to 115 is what, about 28%? Should be noticeable. Also, a newer engine with fewer hours will probably be more powerful hp for hp.
I think it come down to how much you want some more power and speed.
£800 plus a bit of hassle could be worth it, but maybe not likely to improve the value much.
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Old 17 August 2007, 18:31   #3
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Hi Chris, my old viper 5.25 had a 100v4 Suzuki on the back and would give me just over 40 knots at wot, so a 115 would give you a bit more top end compared to a 90, i guess though at the end of the day yur not gonna gain massive amounts just a bit more grunt really.
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Old 17 August 2007, 18:44   #4
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Thanks guys I think its worth it too.
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Old 17 August 2007, 19:42   #5
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Originally Posted by Chris View Post
Thanks guys I think its worth it too.
Sorry Chris, I dont. I know the fittings are the same, but I'm a great believer in leave well enough alone. Whats 2 or 3 knots ? for an engine youre not as well aquainted with? and no doubt you'll have your routines, methods and tools that help you keep your old one in shape. You never know what you are buying either, so I'd keep that 800 in the bank, then theres the hastle of the changeover, shipping costs in and out, setting it up, what if the prop is wrong etc, almost half your budget could get blown on a new stainless prop (if thats what you use) straight away.

Then again, if your not happy with your rig, priorities will be different and maybe its worth a punt. But small gains cost a lot IMHO when it comes to speed !... maybe its worth waiting till the whole rig needs changing... just my humble opinion ofcourse
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Old 17 August 2007, 21:26   #6
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Chris, I think i would be inclined to agree with bigmuz, yu may gain 5-6 knots but is it all worth the hassle? yes and no really/
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Old 17 August 2007, 22:07   #7
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Well you are getting a power increase of almost 34% which is not to be sneezed at.

Funnily enough it is exactly the sort of power increase I will get moving up from a 225 to a 300. It will cost me a hell of a lot more though!!!
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Old 18 August 2007, 09:34   #8
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I changed my 100 v4 Johnson to a 150 opti on my 5.75 Viper, gained about 10 knots & saved about 50% on fuel but it was a lot of hasal & expense!
But it did go like sh*t of a shovel!
If you are going to change I would go for something that is more up to date, will use less fuel & add value to the boat!
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