Is my engine a 2 or 4 stroke?!?!?!?
OK, this sounds like a pretty stupid question. But; I bought a second hand outboard for our club rescue boat (it's a 1989 15hp Mariner) The bloke selling it delivered it to me about 10 minutes ago. However, in all the exitment, I forgot to ask whether it was a 2 or 4 stroke. Now, this may seem like a very stupid thing to do! Anyway, is there any easy way of telling which it is? Unlike our other three Mariners it doesn't have a sticker saying "100:1". Given the price I payed for it I would think it was a 2 stroke.
PS. You may be thinking, the easiest thing to do would be to phone the man. But, he lives in Newcastle, and I live in Norwich, and he left me 10 minutes ago, so he won't be home for several hours, and I want get this engine running!