Originally Posted by rupert
I am looking at a jet-powered rib. I have already read the only other thread I found re. jet-powered boats, but there are still a couple of questions that I would like to find answers to.
What kind of consumption would I be looking at here? I thihnk that this boat has a largish diesel as its power lump.
Is it possible to "convert" the boat to outboard/inboard as the case may be?
Not that I am thinking of doing this, but it is nice to know what is possible.
I hope that these questions are not stupid, but I really know very little about jet-powered units.
I think I would be able to help with a bit more information - we make a 1.7 litre 120hp diesel waterjet RIB - 6 metres overall and should use 27 LPH flat out, but in reality it uses around 10 - 12 litres per hour! It seats 5 with a big rear deck over the engine compartment, and we've fitted a "Monster Tower" to it for wakeboarding and with the 10" jet it will pull big guys up on a wakeboard with a great wake.
The hole in the bottom of the boat will be a handicap to fitting a conventional drive, as well as the wrong shaped one in the transom - the engine will be too far forward as well - a lot of work to convert to a conventional drive!
Not sure if that helps, but you might be able to use some of that as a comparison!