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Old 26 August 2007, 20:30   #1
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Johnson 2 stroke - PTT oil

Bit of advice required please... any Johnson 115GL 2 stroke owners?

I am doing a few "its nearly summer" jobs on the outboard, currently waiting for an unpleasant looking grey gunge that is supposed to be gear oil to drain out properly so I can change it, but I also want to look at the PTT oil as I've not checked it in the time I have had the boat and the motor sometimes makes "I have air in my system" noises when it has been sitting for a while so the level might be a bit low - though it operates through the whole range of movement with no problems.

The motor has to be tilted up a bit to get at the screw that acts as a filler but:

1) should it be tilted right up as far as it will go - presumably this makes a big difference to the amount of oil in the reservoir as there will be a lot more in the ram? can't see anything in the book about this though...

2) will I need to support the engine when I take the screw out (i.e. will it be under pressure) just wondering if I will get a smack around the head with 150kg of outboard if I take the screw out with it tilted right up


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Old 26 August 2007, 23:32   #2
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Don't know about yours but I had an OLD Evinrude 60 before and it was to be filled with the engine full up. It was situated down and starboard of the engine and could only be done out of water.

Hope this helps

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Old 27 August 2007, 12:33   #3
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This one's the same - a screw on the starboard side which you couldn't access with the engine in normal operating position.

I might try and contact the original supplier for advice I think, but I reckon you are probably right

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Old 27 August 2007, 16:55   #4
Country: UK - England
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I got that advice from my local chandler/ engineer. That's the one . You want the engine fully raised and the boat level.

Fill with PTT fluid until it basicly starts to overflow then replace screw.

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Old 28 August 2007, 12:28   #5
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Hmmm well it ain't that....

Raised it took the filler screw out (which is actually a cap with a screw head which looks separate but isn't) and oil ran out so it is up to level. I hadn't seen any oily looking leaks so I did wonder where it had gone - the answer was that it hadn't!

What else could cause an "air in the system" noise? Is the pump about to go phut? As I said everything seems to work OK and it is just a couple of seconds of "aeration" noise when you start to tilt up, once the engine is moving it is fine and will raise and lower the full range without making the noise again.

Maybe it is nothing to worry about...?
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Old 28 August 2007, 15:24   #6
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Stephen, sounds like it just showing its age a bit taking a bit longer to pressurise than when new.

Might be one of those things you just tune out

I have a Clymer Outboard engine manual that should cover yours if you want it let me know.

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Old 28 August 2007, 17:49   #7
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Maybe so. I shall worry about it when it stops going up after I have finished with engines

Thanks for the offer, I've already got the OMC workshop manual for the V4 engines so I'm fine for tech info (I did eventually find the bit about checking the oil level, it wasn't where I was looking the first time).
A Boat is a hole in the water, surrounded by fibreglass, into which you throw money...

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Old 29 August 2007, 19:26   #8
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Hi, we used to have a jhonson 60 vro autolube and it suffered a similar problem but it went on for a long time, just had to put up with its delayed response.
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