Bit of advice required please... any Johnson 115GL 2 stroke owners?
I am doing a few "its nearly summer" jobs on the outboard, currently waiting for an unpleasant looking grey gunge that is supposed to be gear oil to drain out properly so I can change it, but I also want to look at the PTT oil as I've not checked it in the time I have had the boat and the motor sometimes makes "I have air in my system" noises when it has been sitting for a while so the level might be a bit low - though it operates through the whole range of movement with no problems.
The motor has to be tilted up a bit to get at the screw that acts as a filler but:
1) should it be tilted right up as far as it will go - presumably this makes a big difference to the amount of oil in the reservoir as there will be a lot more in the ram? can't see anything in the book about this though...
2) will I need to support the engine when I take the screw out (i.e. will it be under pressure) just wondering if I will get a smack around the head with 150kg of outboard if I take the screw out with it tilted right up