Originally Posted by DirtyOars
Is it against forum rules to post an ebay link i can link you to it?
I do have some standard 80w/90 GL5 hypoid gear oil from when i serviced my mates motorcycle i could use that but id prefer to use the correct outboard oil if your going to do a job might aswel do it properly
According to the blurb, the marine stuff emulsifies water & can carry about 25% by volume & still be within spec. I always used the BRP hpf in my Etecs. As with all these types of questions, it's about your attitude to cost/risk, & the true cost is the difference between using the proper gear & the cheapo substitute. I.e if the cheap stuff is £1 & the proper stuff is £1.50, the actual cost of the proper stuff is £0.50p. As you're a bloke who likes to do it right, I'd spend the extra 50p[emoji6]