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Old 01 July 2012, 13:47   #1
tidalwave2.7's Avatar
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johnson 50 hp vro starting problems

Have just purchased a small boat with a Johnson 50 hp on the back. Have used the boat for a small trip to the fuel jetty and back. All was ok at first then power dropped when at full throttle. Limped back to berth and have been unable to start since.

Not sure of anything about this engine except that it ran ok when out for a test run with the previous owner.

Its a 50 hp 2 stroke with VRO on the decal however the oil pump has been removed and it is on pre mix at 2%.

I have checked the fuel and it's fine

The is a spark

Engine turns over ok

Serial number on engine is G7733283

model number BJ5OBELCCS

I think that means its around 1988 but am unsure. Anyhow battery is now flat and vendor is feeling a little responsible I think so has been helpful charging battery etc.

Plugs look ok and have swapped for spares found onboard

fuel getting to plugs


but no go

tried something bought locally which smells the same as easy start but no difference. I tried to run when testing one of the plugs for a spark just on one cylinder but when you put the other plug back in goes back to no go.best summer day so far here in Finland and the boat is moored up.


Thanks in advance for any thoughts on the matter.

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Old 01 July 2012, 13:53   #2
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Put new plugs in then try it.Sometimes they'll only stop working when under compression.

If it doesn't work, clean the carbs out-you've just filled it, so may be water in the fuel from the fuel jetty.

STAY AWAY from easy start. it'll damage your engine anyway and if it takes that to get it going, there's something wrong with it that you need to fix.
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Old 01 July 2012, 14:11   #3
tidalwave2.7's Avatar
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no start

Fuel is being used by about six or seven boats before and after me and they are all fine. very busy marina so I think it would be noticed quickly if a problem. I am off to the shops to buy some tools unfortunately a garage full of them at home but not much here in Finland.As I only have a small apartment and no garage.

I was hoping to visit some of the small islands that dot the coast here but currently have lost confidence in going anywhere with this motor.

My experience with 2 stroke engines is confined to a little tohatsu back at home and this goes from the first pull. This Johnson is a little more complex so am head scratching. Is hard work for me as I am not Mr Engine and the back of the boat that was supposed to bring a little fun into the weekend is now a place of stress and loathing.

Fortunately I co own this non runner with a German guy from the office and he is more stressed than me, so at least I will get the joy of watching him suffer also.

I am a little wary of removing the carbs without having a kit of bits(refurb Kit) who would supply these and would it be worth doing.


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Old 01 July 2012, 17:59   #4
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Problem found

The previous owner went to the boat today and it seems the head gasket has failed. Mmmm but on the bright side the guy has said he will fix it this week. Hopefully problem resolved by wednesday.

Thanks for advice

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Old 01 July 2012, 18:19   #5
tidalwave2.7's Avatar
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Thanks for advice unfortunately head gasket gone. the guy who sold us the boat has said he will sort it. Is this realistic fix or will the motor be goosed.
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Old 01 July 2012, 21:22   #6
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Depends if the cooling water got into the bores. It might be fixable, but I'd change it PDQ if sea water's been anywhere near the internal bearings.
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Old 01 July 2012, 21:48   #7
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I had the head gasket blow on my Evinrude 25 a long time ago, the pressure from the cylinders was greater than the cooling water pump, so it was thoroughly fried. Had to get the top and block re-machined and the cylinders bored. Bought a Yam 30 and eventually managed to sell the old one for a little less than the workshop bill
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Old 06 July 2012, 18:58   #8
tidalwave2.7's Avatar
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New head gasket engine running fine now. Cheers
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