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Old 22 May 2018, 07:42   #1
Country: New Zealand
Town: Auckland
Make: Gemini Waverider 550
Length: 5m +
Engine: Johnson 90hp
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 112
Johnson 90hp 2 Stroke 2004

I have no idea of the hours on our Johnson 90hp (2004). As it has carburettors I also don't know how 'electronic' it is. Would it store the hours somewhere, and is there a diagnostic cable I can plug in to check this and and faults?
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Old 07 June 2018, 04:04   #2
Country: New Zealand
Town: Auckland
Make: Gemini Waverider 550
Length: 5m +
Engine: Johnson 90hp
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 112
Extending this question...thanks!

The Tacho is not working, and I have read various ways to check this. However, this seems more difficult on my 'late model' as there is not a terminal strip where all wires connect, but a couple of plugs instead which I am reluctant to mess with and move wires around.

My worry is there are a few mentions online of possible fires from a faulty watercooled rectifier (which I think I have) which supplies the signal to the tacho, but am not sure of the relevance of this as the battery is charging (over 14v across the battery when the engine is running) and so it could be that I just have an issue with my tacho?

I cannot find anything which tells me how I should properly check the rectifier and do not have a factory manual to help.

I therefore have a couple of questions, does anyone know how I should be checking this (with a digital multimeter) and if not whether there is anywhere with Johnson service manuals online?

Nearly midwinter here in Auckland, but had a good trip out last week (2 degrees when we set off, but still OK in shorts and warm coat as the sun came up) and good weather forecast this weekend. However, I'd like to go a little further than usual if we go out and ideally would be keen to check this first (or perhaps cancel the trip!).

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