16 March 2012, 19:02
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Leg removal
I am trying to remove the leg on my mercury 9.9 2 stroke to inspect/replace the impeller.
One of the bolts is not coming out!
There all thread locked on and I can undo 2 of the three as the third is rounded of.
I've tried spanner, pliers, mole grips and it wont budge.
A socket will grip it but I can't get the drive part on the socket as there isn't enough room.
So my question is, any ideas of how to get it off?
And also where to get replacements bolts?
16 March 2012, 20:44
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Hi Lockieboi,
I've come across this many times, on all sorts of applications and there's no one definate answer I'm afraid!!
Good pics, have you tried tightening it first? sometimes this works and is the first thing I try, then backwards and forwards, get some penetrating fluid on there. If it shears off, that might be a blessing!! We use a stud and bolt extractor made by Irwin which grips the head of the bolt even if it's rounded off and allows you to at least put a bigger spanner on it.
If it comes down to it you might have to cut the head off with a hacksaw, remove the lower unit and deal with the thread on the bench, hence the head shearing off would probably be a blessing!!
Good luck
16 March 2012, 20:47
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16 March 2012, 21:12
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Thanks for you reply.
Not sure that tool will work as I can't get a ratchet in there as there's not enough room.
Will have another play tomorrow I think.
16 March 2012, 21:15
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you could always grind the head off the remove the rest of the bolt shaft with mole grips once the leg is off
16 March 2012, 21:34
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Shame you're not nearer to me. I have a set of short stubby sockets (with the hex inside not splined). Add to that they are 3/8th drive so the ratchet would fit in the gap. That's the sort of thing you need to try
16 March 2012, 21:52
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Originally Posted by Fenlander
Shame you're not nearer to me. I have a set of short stubby sockets (with the hex inside not splined). Add to that they are 3/8th drive so the ratchet would fit in the gap. That's the sort of thing you need to try
Thanks, maybe I need to go tool shopping!
17 March 2012, 00:13
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Get a socket on it & then a pair of stillsons on the outside of the socket.
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17 March 2012, 07:34
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You don't have to use a ratchet with those Irwin things as they have a hex on them for using a spanner!
Pikeydave's idea is a goodun if the head is still hex and not too rounded off.
17 March 2012, 09:08
Country: UK - England
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I did try a socket and tried to turn it with a pair of Grips but it's to tight and the grips just slip.
Didn't realise they need a spanner not a ratchet they seem like a good idea.
17 March 2012, 10:11
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Not many people around who know what Stilsons are any more, you might know them as a Pipe wrench. Their best trick is that the harder you pull the tighter they get, as long as you have them the right way round.
Grinding the head off sounds like a good idea as at least the remaining shaft of the bolt can be dealt with on the bench, or the leg even taken somewhere with better facilities to get it out. My prefered method of removing a broken bolt shaft is to weld a big nut to it, as the heat also helps the process.
HOWEVER - beware the bolt being corroded so hard into the hole that it still won't allow you to remove the leg once the head is off.
My next step in your situation would be to try the stilsons, maybe on a socket if you can still get one to grip, then if that doesn't work I'd turn a big nut down in the lathe to half height, slip it over the head and weld it on through the hole, but I'd then be worried about breaking the bolt off before it releases.
Like above, it's a shame you're not closer as it's the sort of thing I deal with a lot in my home workshop whilst 'mucking about with old stuff'.
17 March 2012, 10:59
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Originally Posted by lockieboi
I did try a socket and tried to turn it with a pair of Grips but it's to tight and the grips just slip.
Didn't realise they need a spanner not a ratchet they seem like a good idea.
See photos, do not confuse the 2, one is for gripping pipes & the other is err well not for gripping pipes
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
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17 March 2012, 11:03
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two things to remeber,1/ if you damage the paint make sure you repair it to keep corrosion at bay, and 2/when you reassemble put marine grease on the threads not too much in case you hydraulic the bolt , dont forget any casing mating surfaces and you wont have this prolem next time , you could allso try heating the casing but dont scorch the paintbut good luck!
17 March 2012, 11:26
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave
See photos, do not confuse the 2, one is for gripping pipes & the other is err well not for gripping pipes 
Plenty time on your hands I see PD
17 March 2012, 11:36
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Originally Posted by kerny
Plenty time on your hands I see PD 
Slow day at the ranch. Boat's in for service, so no toys to play with. Coing Geocaching this aft when we've solved a few puzzles. Currently researching Formula 1 drivers.
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
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17 March 2012, 12:39
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Originally Posted by lockieboi
I am trying to remove the leg on my mercury 9.9 2 stroke to inspect/replace the impeller.
One of the bolts is not coming out!
There all thread locked on and I can undo 2 of the three as the third is rounded of.
I've tried spanner, pliers, mole grips and it wont budge.
A socket will grip it but I can't get the drive part on the socket as there isn't enough room.
So my question is, any ideas of how to get it off?
And also where to get replacements bolts?
Heather Mills???
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17 March 2012, 14:43
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You could always try filing the flats down very carefully until you can get the next-size-down spanner on it. I'd use a good fitting ring spanner and tap it to try and break free from the corrosion.
17 March 2012, 16:17
Country: UK - England
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Bought a smaller ratchet and cut down a socket to fit and it's out!
Next step: removing the gear link from under the hood.
I will as that I am a complete novice and this is the first OB that I have ever tinkered with.
I've taken some pics of where the linkage is attached to but I cant see any bolts that remove or anything obvious.
Also I now want to replace these bolts, do they need to be anything specialised or just stainless bolts.
17 March 2012, 21:01
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The gear linkage would normally split half way down the leg so you can remove the lower unit. Look for a small pin or threaded adjuster.
Don't use stainless bolts, as Stainless and Aluminium like to get quite attached to each other in a salty environment.
18 March 2012, 10:24
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Originally Posted by Nasher
Don't use stainless bolts, as Stainless and Aluminium like to get quite attached to each other in a salty environment.
Hmmm. A bit of non-copper anti-seize goes a long way here. Stainless and aluminum alone, yes, I agree, is a recipe for eventual corrosion. Put some anti-seize between them though and you're good to go. That's how Yam come from the factory.
You aren't seriously suggesting carbon steel bolts for a submerged seawater application, are you? That bolt wouldn't last a week.
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