Looking for help with side mount throttle/gear controls on Pac 22
Hello there
I am looking for some help sourcing a new side mount control unit for the engine / gear. We have recently changed from the Sternpowr 101 drive to a Volvo DPR drive on our Pac22.
The sternpowr was controlled via a bog warner gearbox but the Volvo DPR drive cant have the input shaft reversed as it will smash the gears. Instead we have locked the gearbox in ahead but the control cable is operating the wrong way round for the outdrive now. Therefor the problem we have is that the control unit we have pulls the cable when you put the stick ahead but we are needing a unit to push the drive cable when you push the stick ahead. The engine throttle control would need to remain unchanged
I hope this makes sense and many thanks in advance
Need more Powa !!!!