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Old 28 April 2021, 10:28   #1
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Mariner 150hp 4 Stroke Value

Apologies I know asking for a value is boring!

With how things are at the moment it seems like higher hp second hand outboards are very hard to come by so hard to find others to benchmark against.

Anyone able to provide a very ballpark value for a 2016 Mariner 150hp 4 stroke with 1100 hours and full service history please?
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Old 28 April 2021, 20:37   #2
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A new Mariner 150hp is circa £13,600. A rule of thumb, and this pretty crude but generally gets you into ballpark is deduct 20% in first year of ownership, then 10% for every year thereafter. I'd pitch a guess at somewhere in £7-£7.5k territory, but that's just my guess.

The market is odd right now, so someone may be looking for a larger 4-stroke engine and service history to repower their current boat and may pay more given the cost against new. 1100 hours isn't excessive for a 5 year outboard, I've seen similar hp engines on FAFB with three times as many hours which will have had a hard life.

If you can provide engine print out from last service and compression test, then that all helps towards selling. Hopefully the paintwork and cowl are mint.

Another option is call Cameron at Clyde Outboards. They charge £25 for a valuation which I think is pretty decent and that's from a marine engineer.
Is that with or without VAT?
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Old 28 April 2021, 21:26   #3
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I'd possibly be interested in buying once you decide on a price
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