Mariner 3.3hp PROBLEM
Oh dear me little baby broke,just took it out to give it a little run and in a tub of water,as we did have a little spell of hot days so i have had the breather cap undone slightly/air cap anyway turned petrol on and petrol poured out of the bottom of the tank,took the hood off,petrol knob well loose ,came off in me hands,put it back on close off air to tank and no leak ,soon as i undone the air cap it ****ed out,well ****ed off,a little rust down by the petrol on n off knob,so is this to blame?please don t tell me its something serious?have not sterted it ,don t wanna blow meself up,emptied tank adn cleaned it up,wife going mad about petrol smell,HOPFULLY JUST NEEDS A NEW PETROL SWITCH,WHICH WITH RUST ON COULD WELL BE THE CULPRIT ,OR A WASHER GONE?