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Old 18 May 2004, 11:08   #1
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mariner 40hp oil use

i have a new mariner 40HP its done about 15 hour from new and on sunday
i had the low oil beeper came on its a two stoke oil injection and its used most
of the oil in the tank in 15 hours is this normal as the oil injection tank is very
large and it said in the manual to check that the oil level as droped after the
runing time not that it should be empty ?????
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Old 18 May 2004, 12:29   #2
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Oil use


How much petrol have you used?

My 90hp Mariner seems to use about 1 or 2 litres of oil per 100 litres (ish) of petrol - ie something like 100:1 to 50:1.

My oil tank is about 3 or 4 litres capacity and the alarm starts intermittently beeping when there is about a litre left.

I hope this helps

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Old 18 May 2004, 12:55   #3
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When we had our Valiant 4.9 with a Mercury 75 2 str, the low oil beep would come on just as we would be about to get on the plane. The beeping would then stop when we were planing and the bow lowered. This did not take very long as the 75 hp could get us planing within 2-3secs, you had to hold on, though!!

Anyways, the point I'm making is that the low oil sensor was coming on when the bow was high and the oil reservoir was tilted at an angle and so the oil sensor was reading that there was less oil than there actually was (a bit like the petrol sensor in your car if you drive up a hill!!). After checking the oil however it was still a third full.

I've noticed from some of your pics that the bow on your Valiant rides quite high. Maybe this might be having the same effect.

Is your engine the 2 cylinder or 3 cylinder version of the 40?
A two stroke carbed engine is always going to drink oil, its just the way it is.

Great to see you're out enjoyin the new Valiant. hope she's goin well for you!!
Steve G
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Old 18 May 2004, 13:04   #4
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Breaking in your engine...

As I understand this is a brand new engine that has done 15 hrs..

You will always use more oil as the rings bed in & any oil consumption at this time should be taken at face value.. Just keep filling up the oil container.

How many litres of oil & petrol you have used...

It would be quite possible to see a ratio of 30:1!!

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Old 18 May 2004, 13:39   #5
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I was going to say that, then I spotted it was a 2 stroke. I am probably wrong (again) but isn't the oil is metered into the carb at a rate set by the revs or fuel flow. It will add the same amount of oil into the mix regardless of the condition of the engine.
Agreed that a 4 stroke will use oil much faster while "running in".

I agree with Duncan. Calculate the fuel/oil ratio and see it is around the figure given in the hand book.
Mark H
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Old 18 May 2004, 14:24   #6
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Daniel.... Refill the oil as its used and make sure it stays topped up all the time,its no big deal, this way you wont go wrong, welcome to the wonderful world of 2 stroke another idea would be to carry a litre in your spares kit...... you know the bits your supposed to have when things go wrong 5 miles out at sea

As for the bow riding high...... that was partly my fault as we had drunk all that beer you brought as ballast by the time the pics were taken.

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Old 18 May 2004, 14:33   #7
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spoke to the dealer today he said the oil injection tank is only one litre it looks a lot bigger than that to me?? will see when i refill it
i have used three tanks of fuel ie 15 gallons which is 67 litres if it runs at 1.50
thats ok if its 1.100 its has used a lot up. i think the tank is more like two litres
and then its should have lasted for 100 litres which then its running at 1.50
dont know the true size of the oil tank yet but i know how much fuel i have used i will refill and try again to see what its using. found out the buzzer sound when 30min at full speed of oil is remaining

bilge rat as you can see from the pics my rib thinks its a plane and the ton of food i all ways carrie in the cool box i have no space for any spares but if i break
down i have a weeks supply of coke and food by then i would of hit land and
can ring the AA and say some ones nicked my car and trailer
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Old 18 May 2004, 15:32   #8
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Oil use

That sounds OK

Two thirds of a two litre tank is 1.3 litres - 67 litres of fuel gives about 50:1

If you've used most of a litre tank then you're looking at about 75:1


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Old 18 May 2004, 15:44   #9
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2 stroke

Daniel for your information.
My one year old Tohatsu 2 stroke has the oil added manually.
I put in 100 ml of 2 stroke oil per 5 litres of unleaded. According to the oil container this is a ratio of 50 to 1. I don't know how this relates to your consumption amybe you could work it out for me.

Hope this helps you with your sums and to give you a reference point.

When the engine was brand new the oil ratio was double this. 25 to 1.

Also I have managed to work out that I am getting a fuel consumption of 2 miles to the litre.

Best of luck

Nick R.
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Old 18 May 2004, 19:28   #10
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Originally Posted by Daniel TD5
bilge rat as you can see from the pics my rib thinks its a plane and the ton of food i all ways carrie in the cool box i have no space for any spares but if i break
down i have a weeks supply of coke and food by then i would of hit land and
can ring the AA and say some ones nicked my car and trailer
I've sussed your game Dan...... by keeping that fridge superbly full of of food and beer your attempting to attract other boaters along with you, this way if something did happen you'd be able to barter a tow home

Seriously i'd be more worried if your engine wasn't using much oil !! at least you know its getting oil into the cylinders unlike mine did besides this its still very new and running in even after the recommended 15 hours it will still be running itself in.
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Old 18 May 2004, 19:47   #11
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I seem to remember the first suzuki oil injected 2 strokes injected oil at 100:1 at idle and 10:1 WOT, don't know if mariners vary it like this though.

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Old 18 May 2004, 19:48   #12
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bilge rat
as you say i am off to buy some two stroke will get about 3 litres fill the tank and keep a spare after reading the book it say when the buzzer sounds you have about 30 min at full speed so its nothing to worrie about .went up to whitehall to day for a survey looked out over the thames and i could dream i was back out at full speed runing under westminster bridge with spray breaking over my face can,t wait for next time
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Old 18 May 2004, 21:47   #13
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Originally Posted by Daniel TD5
with spray breaking over my face
Dan, I think you'll find opening the Fosters when the boat's at rest will do much to alleviate the problem
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Old 19 May 2004, 07:19   #14
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Daniel, I find this very interesting; I have the same engine as you but it's an ex-RNLI. I've used it for about two hours since I'v had it now, and it's used no more than about 20 litres of pertol.
My oil tank has gone done a little, but not much. I was slightly worried there might be a problem.This has made me even more concerned now, as you using shed load of oil!
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Old 19 May 2004, 07:41   #15
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the oil tank when full takes a long time to drop down the oil level gauge mine
did not move for the first eight hours or so but must have been useing the right amount of oil as i did not notice the oil had droped until sunday you may
have to take the cover off as the tank is higher than the level gauge and check the oil has dropped
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Old 19 May 2004, 07:43   #16
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Dan was Westminster bridge where i managed to stuff the nose of my boat into the wake of one of those big Thames tourist boats

The only spray Phil saw was from the Fosters can he was dinking and wake from behind my boat
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Old 19 May 2004, 07:44   #17
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So what are we doing this weekend then..... are the sub 5 ers out and about ?
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Old 19 May 2004, 07:53   #18
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don,t know the wife is complaining of a bad back some thing about a bumpy
ride on some boat at the weekend
i must go to my carvan this week end to sort the boiler out as its broke
may be able to make sunday afternoon
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Old 19 May 2004, 09:56   #19
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Can't make this weekend chaps - doing Intermediate Power Boat course with MeMe and others at Jono Garton's school in North Wales.

I've tentatively suggested a Suffolk rivers cruise for the Bank Holiday Saturday (see Wayne Rogers' thread) which may be of interest. Also there's the Southend Air Show on the Sunday which we're planning to visit with RIBs.
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