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Old 18 July 2011, 16:27   #21
Country: UK - England
Town: Sussex
Boat name: Bombard
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mercury Mariner 15hp
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Posts: 3,499
Yep, not the £300! - the £695 to £995. I've watched a lot of recent sales for engines/boat packages and I think things are a bit deflated. I prefer to watch eBay as a more accurate barometer of what buyers are prepared to pay than classified free ads open to lots of negotiation. Been a couple of nice desirable mid-2000 Tohatsu 9.8's go under £700 last week, one on B&O (the site not Peter) at £1295 looks overpriced but is from a dealer. Will see what this one makes later today:

TOHATSU OB 9.8hp. 2 stroke. model.M9.8B.3KG hardly used on eBay (end time 18-Jul-11 19:36:10 BST)

Older Yam here:

Yamaha 15hp 2 stroke engine. Short shaft. on eBay (end time 24-Jul-11 20:44:40 BST)

But admittedly this newer one went well:

**YAMAHA 15HP 2 STROKE OUTBOARD ENGINE** on eBay (end time 18-Jul-11 17:05:24 BST)

Having said all that of course for the right engine with good history and presented properly it will always do well.
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Old 18 July 2011, 16:45   #22
Country: UK - England
Town: Sussex
Boat name: Bombard
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mercury Mariner 15hp
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 3,499
Here's a few more - wide variance in prices but as always a good ad and history (or a bit of bidding frenzy) will push it along nicely:

mariner 15 hp short shaft 4 tender rib fishing boat | eBay

Mercury 15hp 2 Stroke Outboard - Short Shaft | eBay

Mariner 15hp Outboard Motor 2 Stroke Engine 2006 NO RES | eBay

This last one is a very nice buy and just the sort of thing I am after.

Yamaha 15hp Short Shaft Outboard | eBay

Looking at these I guess I have to agree with Peter and others: £900 + and an ad on B&O might be the best course than chancing your arm on eBay...
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Old 18 July 2011, 16:47   #23
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i personnaly would buy nothing used in an auction on ebay unseen or otherwise , rights if things go wrong pretty much none!
you are in the market for a 15hp ,so naturally want to talk it down i look at it from both points of veiw, if its all good .go for the top money you only have one to sell maximise its worth and negotiate from there,i would pay good money for the right motor and if its as described , iits worth every penny of the 900 and if its not as described you have the law on your side , as the seller of my boat recently found out to his cost !!
i would buy this if i was in the market for one, so go for it ! check it as soon as you can and if there are any problems inform the buyer if its not as described asap then its all straight forward with a small claims court.
on ebay its buyer be ware !
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Old 18 July 2011, 17:05   #24
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 13
Stick it on Ebay. If an old 1983 suzuki 15hp can fetch £630, I,m sure a yam 15 of a younger vintage would sell for more. They are paying silly money on ebay and thats where I would sell it.
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Old 18 July 2011, 17:21   #25
Country: UK - England
Town: Sussex
Boat name: Bombard
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mercury Mariner 15hp
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 3,499
Originally Posted by Dino89 View Post
you are in the market for a 15hp ,so naturally want to talk it down i look at it from both points of veiw
Is that aimed at me?? Not at all - I'm looking at it from both ways too - hence my post above yours showing cheap *and* expensive ones and my closing paragraph which you must have missed?!?:

"Looking at these I guess I have to agree with Peter and others: £900 + and an ad on B&O might be the best course than chancing your arm on eBay... "

It's buyer beware *anywhere*, eBay or private ads, I too would never buy an engine from anyone/anywhere without personally inspecting it and seeing it run - to do otherwise is madness.
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Old 18 July 2011, 21:32   #26
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No need to stress over low values just yet Max... thought that a very robust £870 for an older grey Tohatsu..

TOHATSU OB 9.8hp. 2 stroke. model.M9.8B.3KG hardly used on eBay (end time 18-Jul-11 19:36:10 BST)

Getting back to Phil's Mariner 15 if it is the same black/silver model as mine with the history he states it's just the back story and model you hope to find.

>>>always flushed and serviced, ten hours or so yearly, used on 3.1 Avon inflatable, purchased from a main dealer July 2000, very, very good condition, original receipt and hand books.

I'd expect him to be asking £900-£1000 if I was still looking.... just one thing to factor in... Ullapool is one hell of a run to collect!
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Old 19 July 2011, 18:13   #27
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A good run?

Ullapool is not that far.................well.......perhaps it is. Any body pays £1000 gets a free nights stay and a trip on me new Rib!!. Or i could bring it down to Northampton where we have just moved from when we return to see the family!! Thankyou all for the imput and a enjoyable thread.
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