Left the mercury mariner 90hp in for a service last week.
Talked to the mechanic today and he asked me about the warning horn sounding continuously.
Now this started on the last trip out while on my way back to harbour. I stopped the boat, checked the temp (ok) checked the prop (ok) checked the oil mix tank (low but not critical). Started up again and all running smoothly

So moved off and all was going well - no drop in power so went on back to harbour.
Mechanic investigated but also found all ok. He rang Mercury to be told that the engine 'brain' had to be replaced!!
Cost is £1400 - YES £1400!!!!!
Luckily engine is only two years old and all will be done under warranty
Apparently it is a known fault that the warning horn circuit can blow and the only way to stop it is to disconnect or replace engine brain.
Warning to all others out there if it happens to you.