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Old 25 March 2006, 10:58   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
Boat name: Kudos
Make: Ribcraft 4.8
Length: 4m +
Engine: Suzuki 60hp 4 stroke
MMSI: 235038422
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 5
Mariner Marathon Engines - any views?

I'm interested in buying a SIB with a 25HP 2 stroke engine. I notice that quite a few dealers have good deals on Mariner Marathon 25HP engines. They seem significantly cheaper than the "standard" 2 stroke Mariners.

Does anybody know much about the Marathon range - views, recommendations. I have the 2006 Mariner brochure and it doesn't really say much about what the difference is between the Marathon and standard 2 strokes - just stuff like better corrosion resistance and different water pump(plus vague stuff like "tough engines for the toughest of jobs").

I'm just intrigued why they're cheaper than the standard model - if they're extra strong wouldn't they be more expensive? Is there a different power profile or something that makes them less suitable for leisure use?

I've searched the forums and found a post about the 40HP Marathon and someone said it was developed for third world markets. Hence, interested if anyone has one and what their experience is.

Many thanks,


P.S I've been browsing RibNet for ages and found the advice extremely useful (e.g. lots of good advice on SIB's). Decided to register and make first post...
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Old 25 March 2006, 15:53   #2
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The Marathon model was originally designed to be used in the third world, they have different thermostats to cope with running in hotter climates and some have different water pumps. Some also have improved gear shift systems and throttle controls with better cables. Most of the brand new two strokes are now badged as Marathons since the new 2 stroke emmisions regulations have come into effect as they are really for export sale only (From the states that is).
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Old 26 March 2006, 00:45   #3
Country: UK - England
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Just been down a similar route before buying my honda sib and honda 20

One dealer told me the mariner 25 could easily be made into a 30 by removing an intake restrictor another said a lot more work than that was needed

I was also told that 2 strokes will no longer be produced after next year hence the reason they were being sold cheaper now .

All considered I ended up with a honda 20 on the honda boat because the whole package was lighter inc the engine and lifting on my own was a consideration .
The dealer also told me the honda air floor boat had a better performance than the quicksilver with a hard floor it also had bigger tubes and a deeper v so I guessed it would be a dryer ride .
One thing for sure it hardly uses any juice I upgraded the tank to a 25l but I doubt I could use that in 2 days of running . 4 hours =6litres and so quiet I can talk to the crew while motoring without shouting .
I also felt the honda would hold its money better , as for the boat at £850 it's almost disposable in a couple of seasons .
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Old 26 March 2006, 15:56   #4
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
Boat name: Kudos
Make: Ribcraft 4.8
Length: 4m +
Engine: Suzuki 60hp 4 stroke
MMSI: 235038422
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 5
Turbodiesel -thanks for the background on the Marathon range.

Ian, similar to you, weight is the big issue, so I definitely want to go for an airfloor. The ideal would be a Zodiac Futura FR, but they just seem too heavy for me to handle. I also want something at least 3.8m, so as you say, looking at Quicksilver, the 380HD is the only option, but far too heavy for me. Current choice for me seems to be the Zodiac Classic at around 50kg for the 3.8. The 4.1m is only about 5kg heavier (and about £200 more), so that seems quite attractive for a bit more space. However, other SIB's (like Quicksilver - and your Honda) seem much better value for money than the Zodiacs.

Is your Honda 20 a 4 stroke? I've pretty much discounted 4 strokes because of the weight (and cost). The Mariner 25HP 2 stroke is 51kg (just manageable), but the equivalent 4 stroke is 71kg, which is too much for me. I'm not too worried by noise or fuel consumption differences.

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Old 26 March 2006, 18:34   #5
Country: UK - England
Town: cornwall
Boat name: nothing
Make: rib eye 430
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Engine: tatsu 50
MMSI: 666
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Yes the honda 20 is 4 stroke and only 46kg . I can lift it on and off myself ok .

The boat choice is quite hard , but i put them all side by side on the floor and the Honda won hands down for me for the folowing reasons .

1 sharkskin bottom , supposed to improve performance
2 extended rear hull Iam no expert but what I know about hulls this feature mas to make the boat far better performing , people fit similar extensions to the transom and the reports are good so if the boat already has it built in much better .
The honda next to the others has a much deeper v and higher bow with bigger tubes so i guessed would be a much drier ride , you also seem to sit much lower in the honda , sat in the bow my head is still below the top of the tube.
The dealer had all in stock and seemed to want to move the Mariner/quicksilver deal with some very big discount which made it very tempting . He did say that performance was better on the honda and fuel consumption half .
I paid £2840 all in boat engine tank etc but could have saved I think £500 on the quicksilver mariner deal .
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