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Old 27 October 2008, 17:42   #1
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: Wildheart
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Merc 60 "Clamshell Max RPM?

OK, the Yam is dead. I start rigging the replacement power unit tonight, however I have no idea what the reccomended max RPM for this unit is.

I have had a look on all the usual sites, but at the moment I have anything from 5200 to 6000 RPM as the supposed "max" for this machine.

I'm just curious to know as I may end up needing to swap the prop when I go & test it - it came with a 13" x slightly smaller diameter than the 14" G- series I had on the Yam.

Also anyone know how many poles the alternator has? (Tho' that could be reasonably easly worked out from the silly or otherwise tacho readings)

Oh well, on with the re-rig.......
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Old 27 October 2008, 20:24   #2
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Originally Posted by 9D280 View Post
OK, the Yam is dead. I start rigging the replacement power unit tonight, however I have no idea what the reccomended max RPM for this unit is.

I have had a look on all the usual sites, but at the moment I have anything from 5200 to 6000 RPM as the supposed "max" for this machine.

I'm just curious to know as I may end up needing to swap the prop when I go & test it - it came with a 13" x slightly smaller diameter than the 14" G- series I had on the Yam.

Also anyone know how many poles the alternator has? (Tho' that could be reasonably easly worked out from the silly or otherwise tacho readings)

Oh well, on with the re-rig.......
12 pole alternator.

As for max rpm, think it's actually specced as between the 2 figures you have there.
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Old 27 October 2008, 21:46   #3
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The Yam is dead, long live the Merc!

So you finally gave up on the Yam I was betting on you getting it going as well, eventually! At elast you missed fuel at £1.30/L so it probably saved you a fortune.
Do you think you will have it ready for the night Clyde cruise? I still have the seat pad here waiting for you..........
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Old 28 October 2008, 00:11   #4
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: Wildheart
Make: Humber/Delta Seasafe
Length: 5m +
Engine: Merc 60 Clamshell
MMSI: 235068449
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Thanks. I suspected the Max RPM might be around there somewhere..... Since the last post I found a Teleflex tech sheet for their generic "fits anything" tacho that confirms that.

That's the plan! I had hoped I'd have the Yam running by now, but then I also thought that 3 months ago, so went into "loss cutting" mode, and found someone looking for a gearbox, tripped over the Merc, and the rest as they say is now history..... Needless to say the engine antics have kind of eclipsed the seat rebuild, so no rush for the seat back, November will be soon enough!

Then I just need to fit nav lights & find a Fladden!.....
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Old 28 October 2008, 21:58   #5
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Hopefully all will be ready for next month and we'll see you there. I made the mistake of taking some of my console electronics apart to upgrade them and haven't had a non gale/rain since so haven't been able to put it back together
Hopefully I'll get a dry day soon or I'll not be able to go myself
If you find somewhere local that does Fladdens let me know, I'd like to try on before buying due to the comments on sizing put across here.
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