Merc/Mariner 4hp flush attachment
Due to user error I have lost my aux flushing attachment (Merc 4hp Saildrive) - it's a little metal fitting that can be put into the end of a garden hose and screws into the bottom of the engine. Should cost 50p, actually costs £20...
After a search, it appears to be part number 16841A2, and they seem to be like rocking horse poo, the only UK supplier that I can find who lists it says that it is discontinued/out of stock.
Does anybody know if any other outboards use a compatible attachment? I've found them in the US on Ebay but postage costs more than the thing itself (best part of £50) and in my experience the US postal services are lucky if they can find land on the right hand side of the Atlantic never mind hitting two tiny islands at the bottom!
A Boat is a hole in the water, surrounded by fibreglass, into which you throw money...
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