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Old 25 June 2013, 19:04   #1
Country: UK - England
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merc tilt n trim

hi everyone, i've nearly finished my project but my tilt/ trim is'nt working properly, the motor runs fine but it gurgles and it wont lift unless i help it by pulling the leg up at the same time as operating the switch. i've topped it up with fluid and bled it but still no joy, there does seem to be a bit of fluid on the ram so would it need a seal kit in there or is the pump shagged? any ideas would be great by the way its a '93/'94 merc 50hp 3 cyl 2 stroke, cheers in advance, nob
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Old 26 June 2013, 23:45   #2
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If it sounds weird its probably got air in the system..try bleeding it some warned..hydrolic systems run at high pressure and if the oil/fluid hits your skin at working pressure you'll loose what ever limb or didgit the fluid penetrates...
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Old 27 June 2013, 07:20   #3
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Originally Posted by woz72 View Post
If it sounds weird its probably got air in the system..try bleeding it some warned..hydrolic systems run at high pressure and if the oil/fluid hits your skin at working pressure you'll loose what ever limb or didgit the fluid penetrates...
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Old 27 June 2013, 08:10   #4
Country: UK - Scotland
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I think he's saying "mind the jet".....

Yeah, I too rebuilt one. Does it also creep down if you sit on the leg when it's up? It took me something like a weeks worth of evenings to do the whole "trim up - trm down - add fluid- repeat" cycle & fully purge the air. Every night I added less & less fluid until it finally behaved itself.

You might be surprised just how frothed that stuff gets if there is air in the system.

If you can't get more fluid in & it still does this three thoughts in my head are:

- Have you tightened the manual release valve enough? - I was amazed just how tioght in mine needed to be. (and if you have replaced it have you used fluid compatible O- rings? - "standard off the shelf" O-rings will go brittle in a matter of hours on contact with the oil)

- Is there dirt in the system?

- Have you put the pressure relief valve back together the right way round? (don't ask me how I know that's possible.... )
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