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Old 07 December 2009, 18:49   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Hamble
Make: Novamarine
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 60
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 37
Mercruiser stern drive identification

I have purchased a project boat for its stern drive and trailer. Not a RIB I'm afraid, but I do own a RIB too which I hope qualifies me to ask questions here! The sterndrive was advertised as an Alpha 1, which I know roughly the value of. I'm beginning to think it might be a pre alpha model and therefore worth no where near as much, but I'm not very good at Mercruiser sterndrive identification. My alarm bells rang when I spotted the lifting eye on the upper unit top cover. Not seen these on gen 1 or gen 2 alpha legs. I doubt it's the sellers fault as he seems like a nice old boy, but I've paid for the boat so am now wondering what is for the best. I also strongly suspect from further research that the boat is a 17 footer, and has been listed as a 19 footer which is a further irritation and means the trailer is smaller so worth less than I thought it was, as is the boat.
It also turns out the leg has been bought by him secondhand to put in the boat, not the original one which came with it and the one has never been fitted to the other, so now I worry that the leg might be the wrong one for the gimbal unit and everything else on the boats transom. He assures me its the right leg for the mounting equipment and that its complete with all the bits like decent bellows, trim pump etc.

I've not collected the boat yet so depending on identifying through the ebay pictures at the moment. Could one of you who knows about Mercruiser drives take a look at the piccies and put me out of my misery on:

1) What year/ model of leg it is and roughly up to what hp will it take?
2) What Mercruiser engines this leg fits?
3) does it look like the leg is the right leg for the transom gear (which you can see in the photo of the transom.

Listing is at: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.d...m=300374869238

Many thanks
Jacob555 is offline   Reply With Quote

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