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Old 11 July 2015, 19:50   #1
beerbelly's Avatar
Country: UK - England
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mercury 15hp 2 stroke tilt problem

just got back from a cracking week on the isle of luing the boat performed great apart from a couple of small problems (and catching no fish) . first off when I came to take it out of the water it would not lock in the up position just dropped back down .now when I first put it in the water to get it to click up onto the second trim position I had to reach over the back and I either pushed in or pulled out the horse shoe shaped bracket that's half way down the leg or it wouldn't move .after about 5 or six tries and fiddling with the moving parts I got it to lock all the way up but tried again after it was off the boat and no luck . second problem that I think is probably fuel pump (although its recently been done) is after ticking over for a min or so its starts to stall a few pumps on the priming bulb sorts it and if I turn the tick over up its not so bad doesn't do it under high speed conditions at all just tick over or very small throttle anyone come across this please enlighten me oh its a 2006 year.cheers
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Old 12 July 2015, 11:59   #2
beerbelly's Avatar
Country: UK - England
Town: teesside
Boat name: magic
Make: humber 5.5
Length: 5m +
Engine: mariner 115
MMSI: 232012453
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 1,572
fixed the tilt problem was mostly operator error
the stalling at low revs is still puzzling as when it happens there's still fuel in the plastic chamber and when its about to stall if I pump the fuel bulb twice there is visible bubbles in the fuel going into the chamber but the engine picks up and runs fine.it sounds just like its running out of fuel when it stalls
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Old 13 July 2015, 15:59   #3
Country: UK - Scotland
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Did it just suddenly start doing it, or has the problem crept up on you?

Could be (one of) your idle or idle mix screw(s) has moved?

Or one (or more) of your HT leads?
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Old 13 July 2015, 18:22   #4
beerbelly's Avatar
Country: UK - England
Town: teesside
Boat name: magic
Make: humber 5.5
Length: 5m +
Engine: mariner 115
MMSI: 232012453
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 1,572
im not sure but its definitely doing it more regularly thing is pumping the bulb cures it instantly so leads me to think fuel supply also winding the tickover to slihtly higher revs reduces the occurrence but doesent cure it im wondering if it may be drawing air very slightly between the outboard and the fuel in the tank .it never misses a beat once underway past quarter throttle
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