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Old 06 March 2010, 18:46   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: South Coast
Boat name: No Name
Make: Ribx-450
Length: 4m +
Engine: Outboard 60hp 2 Merc
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 108
Mercury 60 hp 2 stroke running iffy?

Any one got any ideas please.

Lightly used 2005 Mercury 2 stroke.

Run it up recenlty and it wont tick over very well.

Added new fuel to tank 20 l, drained carb bowls, new plugs fitted.

Though it could be a coil? Tried to see if it would run pulling off plugs leads one at a time, not sure if lower one is firing?

Not really sure what to look at first, or how to easilt check if firing as Ignition is miles from the plugs and I was in my own at the boat yard.

Any one else know these motors really well?

Could the CDI be erractic, should I try another coil, should I strip the carbs?

Any one got a spare coil for this engine?

Any advice appreciated.
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Old 08 March 2010, 13:14   #2
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: Wildheart
Make: Humber/Delta Seasafe
Length: 5m +
Engine: Merc 60 Clamshell
MMSI: 235068449
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 4,671
If it's a 2- stroke pull all the spark plugs & see which one is covered in oil.

Not sure what vintage it is, but mine had a dodgy connection at one end of one of the HT leads. Might bwe wotrth checking that. Leads are a lot cheaper than a coil!

The easy way to test coils is to swap them in a methodical manner- if the oiled plug follows the coil, then you have found it. Number them before you start swapping tho'. Same goes with the leads unless it;s obvious (like the connector falls off the end!)
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Old 08 March 2010, 19:43   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: South Coast
Boat name: No Name
Make: Ribx-450
Length: 4m +
Engine: Outboard 60hp 2 Merc
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 108
HT Leads

I plugged in a strobe timming light all plugs show a spark so...........

I wonder if I sould get a SH coil and try swopping it / them?

Do carbs get bunged up?

Originally Posted by 9D280 View Post
If it's a 2- stroke pull all the spark plugs & see which one is covered in oil.

Not sure what vintage it is, but mine had a dodgy connection at one end of one of the HT leads. Might bwe wotrth checking that. Leads are a lot cheaper than a coil!

The easy way to test coils is to swap them in a methodical manner- if the oiled plug follows the coil, then you have found it. Number them before you start swapping tho'. Same goes with the leads unless it;s obvious (like the connector falls off the end!)
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Old 09 March 2010, 13:36   #4
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: Wildheart
Make: Humber/Delta Seasafe
Length: 5m +
Engine: Merc 60 Clamshell
MMSI: 235068449
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 4,671
But do all plugs show a spark when it's hooning along at 2000+ rpm?

They may have enough grunt to fire a timing light, but enough to jump an oily gap?

Carbs do get bunged, if you reckoned it is the lower cyl, probably worth a look there. I just re- read your original post, and so I guess it's a 3 cyl 3 carb autolube machine. How does the bottom spark plug look? Oily compared to the rest? If you are certian it's the bottom, swap the lead, the plug (easy to do first) & see if the problem follows them. Rememebr rplugs also break down over time - My old Yam a change of plugs went form sounding like a bag of nail to running really well . Meggere'd the old plugs - one wouldn't have passed a domestic test the insulation was so bad.

Should have said yesterday, try a new set of plugs first.
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Old 09 March 2010, 18:39   #5
Country: UK - England
Town: Surrey
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Posts: 215
u have a CARB issue . Take carbs off , I bet 110% U HAVE A IDLE JET BLOCKED . Simple easy fix
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