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Old 23 July 2012, 11:48   #1
Country: UK - England
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Mercury 80hp Auto choke / Starting problem


My 1980's Mercury blueband auto ( key ) choke is playing up.

I have only had the boat a couple of months and I wonder if I am actually priming it correctly so I would appreciate an idiots guide for me being an idiot.

At the moment, I am going through the following starting process ( start of day )

Connect fuel line to engine.
Open breather nozzle on the fuel tank.
Pump bubble until it's hard, giving resistance.

Insert key into ignition.
Engage neutral and 'pump/prime' throttle a couple of times ( 2-3 max ) and then leave throttle at about "half" position.

Turn key and push... listen for choke 'click'
Turn key back and then attempt to turn on for firing.
Engine just turns over.
Try this a couple of times.
Give it another 'click' on the auto choke.
Turn it over, keeps turning.

Take engine cowling off.
Pull manual choke up.
Turn key, engine 'almost' fires on first turn.
Push manual choke down
Turn key, engine fires and bubbles away happily spitting water.
Leave it a minute to warm up.
Turn off
Replace cowling.
Turn key, fire up, drive away.

No prolem then for rest of day stopping and starting.
If a few hours gap between start and stop then have to repeat process.

Am I missing something in the process. I appreciate it's an old unit and prone to some wear and tear and at least the manual choke gets me running.
But should I 'push click' the key a couple of times first ?

Any clues would be appreciated.

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Old 23 July 2012, 12:04   #2
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Orlwaiys appy too oblije a felloe boter

Wen yew pussh de kee inn, howld itt inn wile yew tirn de kee uvverwize de chowke aynt nott engayjid.

Finkin abowt itt de furst staitemint aint troo

Wen yew try dis methodd an de enjin fyres innto lyfe att de furst flikk yew wil feal a rite dikk.
fuk mee crismus leeve wiv noe ankul tagg

Wher doo I beegin?😃
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Old 23 July 2012, 12:11   #3
Country: UK - England
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Keep the key pressed in while switching to start.

so like this

OFF -> 1st click + press in and hold choke -> start -> back to 1st click and release choke.
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