02 April 2019, 10:27
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Mercury F 20 M EFI - Pro’s & Con’s
After a long search, I’ve given up on finding a Tohatsu 18hp 2T standard shaft on tiller locally and/or in good condition. So, I’m thinking of pairing a new Merc 20hp EFI with my Aerotec 3.8. This will be replacing my current Tohatsu 9.8 2T - which is great for when on my own, but not when crewed up.
Does anyone have any first-hand experience of this engine, on an Aerotec or other similar sized sib? I’d be grateful for any feedback, good or bad, before making a decision.
I’ll be lifting it from an engine store to the boat (approximately 15 feet) and using the Zodiac big beach wheels or a club trolley, to launch from a slip a few metres away.
I’ve lifted the engine (dry 45 kg) at my local dealers and seems doable for me. Does anyone launch in a similar way and not need to visit a chiropractor on a regular basis?
Am I likely to suffer from the “transom splash” that I do with the Tohatsu, under certain conditions?
Thanks in advance.
02 April 2019, 15:29
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Don’t know yet Dan sorry.
After a brief hiatus, returning to sibbing and have a Mariner 20 efi/T38 on order.
Previously ran a Suzuki 20 efi on an Aerotec. Hardly any transom splash with the Suzi raised on a 25mm spacer and 22 knots one up.
Expecting the new Merc/Mariner 20 to have similar performance, grunt and economy. Might be subject to a little more transom splash on the Aerotec though, as the Suzi lower leg profile with large av and splash plates seemed particularly good at minimising this annoying quirk.
The Suzuki was definitely the best 20 we’ve had, and on paper can’t see any reason the new Merc/Mariner/Tohatsu will be any different.
02 April 2019, 15:55
Country: UK - England
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Mercury F 20 M EFI - Pro’s & Con’s
Originally Posted by chipko
Don’t know yet Dan sorry.
After a brief hiatus, returning to sibbing and have a Mariner 20 efi/T38 on order.
Previously ran a Suzuki 20 efi on an Aerotec. Hardly any transom splash with the Suzi raised on a 25mm spacer and 22 knots one up.
Expecting the new Merc/Mariner 20 to have similar performance, grunt and economy. Might be subject to a little more transom splash on the Aerotec though, as the Suzi lower leg profile with large av and splash plates seemed particularly good at minimising this annoying quirk.
The Suzuki was definitely the best 20 we’ve had, and on paper can’t see any reason the new Merc/Mariner/Tohatsu will be any different.
Many thanks chipko.
All good to know!
I’m tempted by the Suzuki and there’s not much between them. But, the new Mercury’s vibration reducing mount, tiller position and gear lever design is looking really positive for me.
I guess I’ll only find out about the splash, when I get it out on the water. It’s no biggie if I need to make a riser for it - just hoping there won’t be the need.
As an aside, how many (average size/weight) crew can I realistically hope to plane along with, using a 20hp?
02 April 2019, 16:09
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I had the same outfit as Chipko until we downsized our Suzuki 20 to a Mariner 9.9 for reasons of portability.
On top of all the kit and fuel we carry plus a 45lb dog the most weight in people was a total of 43 stones and the 20hp planed that load fine.
02 April 2019, 16:10
Country: UK - England
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Mercury F 20 M EFI - Pro’s & Con’s
At least three. We could easily tow a light adult on the wakeboard with two up.
Yeah, gone for the Merc/Mariner on looks and tiller etc. Suzuki was great, and would have no qualms with another, but seems wrong not to try the newer design opposition.
Re splash. I’ve never seen any engine combo on an Aerotec not benefit from raising with a packer. In fact not had any sib yet where I’ve not...for improved performance not just splash.
02 April 2019, 21:32
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Originally Posted by chipko
Yeah, gone for the Merc/Mariner on looks and tiller etc. Suzuki was great, and would have no qualms with another, but seems wrong not to try the newer design opposition.
Agree with you but why buy Merc or Mariner made by Tohatsu when the real Tohatsu has an extra two years warranty?
02 April 2019, 22:11
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Fenlander
I had the same outfit as Chipko until we downsized our Suzuki 20 to a Mariner 9.9 for reasons of portability.
On top of all the kit and fuel we carry plus a 45lb dog the most weight in people was a total of 43 stones and the 20hp planed that load fine.
Thanks Fenlander,
That sounds very much like the maximum load that I would be running with, on occasion. Good to hear that a 20hp will cope well with that. More often than not, it’ll just be me, or me +1, which should prove to be good fun! [emoji41]
I must say that I have read and followed many of your posts, especially those relating to the Aerotec and have found them invaluable. [emoji106]
02 April 2019, 22:22
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 52
Originally Posted by chipko
At least three. We could easily tow a light adult on the wakeboard with two up.
Yeah, gone for the Merc/Mariner on looks and tiller etc. Suzuki was great, and would have no qualms with another, but seems wrong not to try the newer design opposition.
Re splash. I’ve never seen any engine combo on an Aerotec not benefit from raising with a packer. In fact not had any sib yet where I’ve not...for improved performance not just splash.
Great. Three would be the max for me. I use my main rib for boarding and skiing, but would be good to use with my daughter on the ringo.
Looking forward to hearing your reports on the Merc/Mariner when you get it. It’ll be early June before I’m in a position to place an order. Largely due to a lack of time to use it before then.
Yeah, the splash quirk seems to be something you just have to workaround, if you want the pleasure of owning and using an Aerotec.
03 April 2019, 18:23
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Limecc
Agree with you but why buy Merc or Mariner made by Tohatsu when the real Tohatsu has an extra two years warranty?
Prefer the edgy look of the Merc/Mariners, like the fancy tiller, and best deal to be had on Mariner so cheapest of the three.
Agree 2 years extra on Tohatsu warranty initially appealing. In reality how much benefit will this be? For warranty to be intact it means 2 extra dealer annual services, and I probably won’t even keep it for 5 let alone 7 years.
Of course if it all turns to cheese after 5 years and 1 day I’ll think, ‘wish I’d listened to that guy on Ribnet’
04 April 2019, 21:53
Country: UK - England
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Danexe, i'm waiting on a delivery of a Tohatsu mfs20e to go on an Aerotec so will keep you posted on the splash issue once ran in, shouldn't be too long.
05 April 2019, 08:35
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Stevem
Danexe, i'm waiting on a delivery of a Tohatsu mfs20e to go on an Aerotec so will keep you posted on the splash issue once ran in, shouldn't be too long.
Hi Stevem and thank you.
Ooh, I bet you’re exited! I’m looking forward to hearing your experiences when you get out with it.
Out of interest, are you purchasing yours from a local dealer, or from an online seller?
The discounted prices I’ve seen online are tempting me to go that way. I’ll still be supporting my local dealer with servicing, but online prices would save me enough to cover the 20 hour service and the first 100 hour/annual one.
05 April 2019, 14:17
Country: UK - England
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Hi Dan
I bought mine from the local Tohatsu dealer on the North East coast. I phoned for a price and it was as good as i could find online. I've another Tohatsu that I get serviced there and they have been great so it was a no brainer for me. Do like the look of the Merc and the tiller looks great but I will more than likely be using mine with remote steering so the tiller not a priority for me.
Dealer just phone and picking it up on Monday so may try and get out one night next week depending on the weather.
11 April 2019, 07:21
Country: UK - England
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Hi Dan
First time on the water with the new Tohatsu. I was only running half throttle so too early to give a definitive answer on the transom splash but I certainly didn’t get anything coming over at half throttle. Don’t get me wrong there was splashing but nothing like experienced with the two previous outboards I’ve had. There was also a bit of a wind blowing down the river so a little bit bumpy which didn’t help.
I’ll update again once fully ran in, Steve.
11 April 2019, 09:12
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Originally Posted by Stevem
Hi Dan
First time on the water with the new Tohatsu. I was only running half throttle so too early to give a definitive answer on the transom splash but I certainly didn’t get anything coming over at half throttle. Don’t get me wrong there was splashing but nothing like experienced with the two previous outboards I’ve had. There was also a bit of a wind blowing down the river so a little bit bumpy which didn’t help.
I’ll update again once fully ran in, Steve.
Thanks, Steve!
Perfect. Looks like good (non-splashy) fun to me! Great to see your video and in conditions I’m used to.
Having not had an engine from new before myself, I guess your keen to get the 20 hour running-in over?
I’ve just finished fettling my rib and it’s now back on the mooring - giving me time to focus on the Aerotec and the re-power.
I’m going to my main dealers again this week - watch this space. Your video has definitely inspired me to open my wallet!
Cheers again.
11 April 2019, 17:58
Country: UK - England
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Hi Dan
It’s a ten hour run in period, but yeah want to get it ran in asap so I can start using it fully.
Good luck with your purchase!
Regards, Steve
19 April 2019, 06:50
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 278
Hi Dan,
Ran the engine in a bit more yesterday and had it at full throttle for a few moments which was enough to confirm there was no splashing coming over the transom and that was without any riser shim!
19 April 2019, 11:33
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Originally Posted by Stevem
Hi Dan,
Ran the engine in a bit more yesterday and had it at full throttle for a few moments which was enough to confirm there was no splashing coming over the transom and that was without any riser shim!
Thanks for the update, Steve.
That sounds really positive and quite a relief that the splashing hasn’t occurred. I know it’s not a big job to create a riser, but would much prefer not having to put one in place.
Referring back to your previous post - when I asked my local mercury main dealer about running-in and ongoing service schedules and costs, they said 20 hours for first service on the Merc 20 and then annual/100 hour thereafter. I’ll double check with them for my purposes.
Cracking weather this weekend. I hope you’re out enjoying it!
Cheers again.
19 April 2019, 16:26
Country: UK - England
Town: Tyne and Wear
Make: RC 4.8 & Aero380
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Engine: Tohatsu 50 & 20
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Posts: 278
You are right Dan, I've just checked the warranty card and it states 20 hours or 3 months for 1st service.
The manual says the engine can be used fully (full throttle) after the 10 hour run in period.
In reality I'll probably hit the 3 month period before the 20 hours but will be over 10.
I think its going to be great for my needs on the BAT. Steve
03 June 2019, 11:38
Country: UK - England
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I hope your experiences with your new engine are proving fun and dry, Steve!
Having “almost” given up finding an 18hp 2T, as already mentioned - I have just purchased this little minter...
I’m taking it for a first on-water spin with the Aerotec today. I imagine I’ll be needing to fashion a suitable riser/shim in the not-too-distant. [emoji848][emoji106]
03 June 2019, 11:54
RIBnet admin team
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Dan well done on finding that. Unusual to find a Nissan badged one in the UK. I bet it was less than this one that I noticed the other day (top left of page)...
Be interesting to hear how you get on with the weight... 3kg less than the newer light 4-strokes but 5kg more than the Mercury/Mariner 15 2-stroke.
Report back as soon as you can on how you find it overall.
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