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Old 24 January 2005, 11:31   #1
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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Mercury / Mariner Warantee - how relieable ?

MarcuryMariner Warantee

My new RIB was fitted with a rebuilt Mariner 225 optimax ,3 months old, inspected and PDI by a Mariner agent. He is no longer a Mariner Agent since December.

I then went to a Mercury dealer who when completing the service pointed out electrical wiring faults. AP Barrus supplied new wiring loom under warantee. The number of hours Mercury will pay the dealer is substantially less than the number of hours I have been charged. The Mercury dealer wishes to charge me for the balance of the hours claimed.

Does this seem reasonable ?
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Old 24 January 2005, 11:40   #2
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Originally Posted by alanc chapman
MarcuryMariner Warantee

My new RIB was fitted with a rebuilt Mariner 225 optimax ,3 months old, inspected and PDI by a Mariner agent. He is no longer a Mariner Agent since December.

I then went to a Mercury dealer who when completing the service pointed out electrical wiring faults. AP Barrus supplied new wiring loom under warantee. The number of hours Mercury will pay the dealer is substantially less than the number of hours I have been charged. The Mercury dealer wishes to charge me for the balance of the hours claimed.

Does this seem reasonable ?
Hi Alan

I'm assuming the engine is still under the original warranty is this correct ?
If so then NO this sounds dodgy to me, if its a genuine fault then the manufacturer should be footing the complete bill.

I think we need to understand more about the circumstances and why the engine was re built in the first place to make an accurate assesment of the situation.
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Old 24 January 2005, 11:44   #3
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Originally Posted by Bilge Rat
Hi Alan

I'm assuming the engine is still under the original warranty is this correct ?
If so then NO this sounds dodgy to me, if its a genuine fault then the manufacturer should be footing the complete bill.
I am afraid you quite incorrect - this is not necessarily so, the manufacturer will cover the parts and some labour. Incidentals as in lifting the boat out the water is not covered. This is a warranty - not a guarantee - the warranty is limited to a point.
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Old 24 January 2005, 11:49   #4
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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The engine is indeed under the original warantee. Agree the removal and transportation is not covered. Only talking about the labour time for rectifying a fault.

The manufacturer sets a limit that they will pay the agent for the job type. You would imagine that all labour is covered for that job, isnt that what the warantee book says ? Works that way for a car!

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Old 24 January 2005, 12:04   #5
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Originally Posted by ct01
I am afraid you quite incorrect - this is not necessarily so, the manufacturer will cover the parts and some labour. Incidentals as in lifting the boat out the water is not covered. This is a warranty - not a guarantee - the warranty is limited to a point.
I maybe stand corrected on this issue, thinking about it, it may be right, if say the engine needed to come off would the manufacturer pay the cost of lifting and re fitting the engine ?
However in this case Alan was talking about an electrical parts and didn't mention having the boat lifted.

One would assume it was the same as a car warranty with the manufacturers insurance picking up the complete bill.
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Old 24 January 2005, 14:10   #6
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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Originally Posted by ct01
I am afraid you quite incorrect - this is not necessarily so, the manufacturer will cover the parts and some labour. Incidentals as in lifting the boat out the water is not covered. This is a warranty - not a guarantee - the warranty is limited to a point.

mute point but what is the difference between a guarantee and a warranty ? Dictionary quote :


A guarantee given to the purchaser by a company stating that a product is reliable and free from known defects and that the seller will, without charge, repair or replace defective parts within a given time limit and under certain conditions.


Something that assures a particular outcome or condition: Lack of interest is a guarantee of failure.
a. A promise or an assurance, especially one given in writing, that attests to the quality or durability of a product or service.
b. A pledge that something will be performed in a specified manner.
a. A guaranty by which one person assumes responsibility for paying another's debts or fulfilling another's responsibilities.
b. A guaranty for the execution, completion, or existence of something.
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Old 24 January 2005, 18:09   #7
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Hi Alan,

Now knowing who this is (I won't say who as I don't want to be held liable or cock up my own chances of having my engine serviced) I'd push them or Mercury to rectify the situation at no cost to yourself......bar in/out charges.

Unfortunately Guernsey doesn't have the unlimited dealers that the UK has and at times the service by the marine service industry in the island leaves a lot to be desired. I've had personal experience where I was charged for something that was later found out not to be completed (or even touched for that matter).

Make sure all your paperwork is in order (my mistake was moving house and losing the original bill) as this helps a great deal. Contact both the citizens advice and Mercury head office and ask them where you stand both legally and what Mercury deems to be the cover for warranty repairs.

As yours is a refurbed engine it might have a limited warranty attached rather than one given to a new engine, this is also worth checking out.

If you are in the right and know that you are then I'd report them to Mercury and let them sort it out. If they are a dealership then they have to comply with Mercury or else run the risk of losing a lucrative dealership.
Which part of "throw me the mooring line" didn't you understand!?
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Old 24 January 2005, 18:13   #8
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I have always been told by dealers when making aclaim how little man hours are allowed for a job.Example.Mercury 25 hp needed a new starter motor under warrenty they were allowed i think 25 minites they first had to diagnose wether it was soliniod or starter the remove starter order part store boat for 5 days then fit starter .as a customer none of the above is my problem or responsibility nether is it yours.He is trying it on .
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Old 24 January 2005, 21:35   #9
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With out looking into warranty manual all i can say is that if arepair is made good under warranty then we wouldnt charge, only for cranage etc if needed.
There is coverage for fault finding,setting to work and testing.
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Old 25 January 2005, 20:33   #10
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viewing secondhand mariner 225 optimax

Slightly off the original thread - but still related.

I am viewing a boat with Mariner 225 optimax 2002 this Thursday 27th. what should I be looking for in respect of service documention or on the unit itself. Does it have an inbuilt memory of the hours run? local dealer download? do these engines have a standard set of instruments when new?
for this size engine what hydraulic steering should be fitted?
Are 'muffs' available for this size engine to it to be run out of the water and for flushing after use?

Mariner dealer directory for servicing and future spares?

anything else you think relevent.

thanks (in advance)
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Old 25 January 2005, 22:33   #11
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Originally Posted by Paul Beaurain
Slightly off the original thread - but still related.

I am viewing a boat with Mariner 225 optimax 2002 this Thursday 27th. what should I be looking for in respect of service documention or on the unit itself. Does it have an inbuilt memory of the hours run? local dealer download? do these engines have a standard set of instruments when new?
for this size engine what hydraulic steering should be fitted?
Are 'muffs' available for this size engine to it to be run out of the water and for flushing after use?

Mariner dealer directory for servicing and future spares?

anything else you think relevent.

thanks (in advance)

Hi Paul,

There should be a service manual that should be all filled in by a dealer as when under warranty everybody tends to keep this bit up, for a relatively new engine.

If it's anything like the optimax range for the mercury then they can tell exactly how the engine has been used with diagnostic equipment.

Not sure on local dealer download.......what sort of thing were you expecting?

I would have thought for that age of engine you'd get the standard smart craft guages which will tell you everyhting you need to know. Is this engine still attached to a boat?

Mine just says hydraulic steering, can find out the make the next time I dig out the paperwork/go down and have a look if you like?

With the Mercury I got a special screw in thing that attaches to a hose with the engine manual and gumpf which acts as your fresh water muff. Not too sure on the details of use as I haven't tried it yet.

The only other thing I'd suggest that if it's attached to a boat then go for a spin with it. If it's not then make sure you have a friend who is a marine mechanic who can go and look at it with you or if it's from a dealer make sure that there is some comeback if it breaks down immediatley.

Hope that helps

Which part of "throw me the mooring line" didn't you understand!?
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Old 26 January 2005, 07:06   #12
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Thanks Pettel

The engine is attached to the boat, and i understand that smart gauges are fitted, so these by the sound of it will show accutate hours.

I have downloaded a list of mercury dealers off the web and have found the one nearest to the vendor.

A trip out in the boat is planned - to confirm no problems.

Length of warranty? some have suggested 3 years for the Mercury is it likely that the Mariner would also be 3 years?

Thanks for the information - ill let you know what I find/outcome.

Thanks Paul
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Old 26 January 2005, 07:23   #13
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mariner and mercury are two year warrenty only

my one runs out in march this year

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Old 26 January 2005, 07:55   #14
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Merc & Mariner have the same warranties, after all they are the same engine but the Optimax's have 3yr warranties whereas the normal 2-strokes only have 2yrs. Get any good stuff in the states? New prop??
Steve G
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Old 26 January 2005, 08:08   #15
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gave up on the prop

wanted to go for a spare alloy one as the repairs by steel developments seem to have sorted the problem i had

the alloy prop was $143.00 which is about the same as england

but the trophy sport was only $320.00 which was half price

ended up with a nice kinfe £2.50
two life jacket lights £3.00
rescue line £4.00

about 50 mickey mouse toys

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Old 26 January 2005, 09:24   #16
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Originally Posted by pettal

Mine just says hydraulic steering, can find out the make the next time I dig out the paperwork/go down and have a look if you like?

With the Mercury I got a special screw in thing that attaches to a hose with the engine manual and gumpf which acts as your fresh water muff. Not too sure on the details of use as I haven't tried it yet.

Hope that helps

There is no recomended steering for any outboard - so long as it's rated to the horsepower of the engine it should be fine - I just happen to like / use Seastar steering but some people prefer cable steering for racing for instance.

Don't use the screw in thing instead of muffs - the water pump doesn't get any water, and will overheat and become useless after a while!
Originally Posted by Zippy
When a boat looks that good who needs tubes!!!
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Old 26 January 2005, 15:18   #17
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Originally Posted by Cookee
There is no recomended steering for any outboard - so long as it's rated to the horsepower of the engine it should be fine - I just happen to like / use Seastar steering but some people prefer cable steering for racing for instance.

Don't use the screw in thing instead of muffs - the water pump doesn't get any water, and will overheat and become useless after a while!

Now you've said seastar I think that's what I got!

Thanks for the tip on the screw in thing.......it's a good job I'd been bone idle and not bothered to fluch it with water yet!!
Which part of "throw me the mooring line" didn't you understand!?
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Old 26 January 2005, 20:15   #18
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If i were you i would call E.P Barrus (01869 363636) they will give you the answer, My mate does all the warranty claims for the uk. Ask to speak to Alan Surman.
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Old 01 February 2005, 12:22   #19
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The Final Outcome

EP Barrus were very understanding and we have agreed to split the cost, one third me, two thirds Barrus. Amicable conclusion. Thank you.

The learning for me (and for everyone else) is to ensure 'warantee work' is fully covered in advance of the work commencing to avoid the argument taking place afterwards with the agent. Seems lots of grey areas.

However the principle is still correct, warrantee work should covers parts and labour. The exclusions are lifting in and out of the water, travel, and work required to enable access to undertake repairs.

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Old 01 February 2005, 16:04   #20
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Originally Posted by Paul Beaurain
Slightly off the original thread - but still related.

I am viewing a boat with Mariner 225 optimax 2002 this Thursday 27th. what should I be looking for in respect of service documention or on the unit itself. Does it have an inbuilt memory of the hours run? local dealer download? do these engines have a standard set of instruments when new?
for this size engine what hydraulic steering should be fitted?
Are 'muffs' available for this size engine to it to be run out of the water and for flushing after use?

Mariner dealer directory for servicing and future spares?

anything else you think relevent.

thanks (in advance)

*Check to see that the injectors have had the recall carried out on them. They should either be blue or have blue collars around them. If this hasn't been done I`d insist its done before you pay. Its about a grand for the parts alone otherwise.

*Also worth checking the trim/tilt motor. When it runs up it should do it at a healthy speed and not slow down (unless its on the trim section!)

*I always ask that the engine is not run in anticipation of a viewing. This way you can see if the batt and electrics are healthy.
*Also look to see if the skeg has been repainted. It can sometimes show a less than carefull owner.
*Plus a spanking new prop can mean its been hammered into something, damaging the gearbox but you`d never know.

*Also make sure its got OPTIMAX oil in it rather than the normal Premium 2 Cycle oil. (its a different colour) as it might invalidate your warranty.

*Obviously make sure the transom aint cracked and ask for everything paperwork related, particularly the warranty chit. (its about A6 size)

Plus if the guy says the trailer has just been serviced ask for the reciepts.

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