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Old 02 September 2006, 16:51   #1
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Mercury Service Manual

Needing to do as much servicing as possible myself, I'm looking for a workshop/service manual for my Merc 90 Four stroke (year 2000). There seem to be quite a few available. The Mercury web site lists them for $70 odd, plus shipping. There are others from Clymer for about $35 and others on eBay on DVD's for 2.99. I'm confused. Are any of them any good?

Can someone give me an idea of which one might be best? I think I was looking for something similar to the Haynes type car manuals. Be pleased to hear of your experiences with them. Thanks in advance.

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Old 02 September 2006, 19:08   #2
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I have a Seloc manual for my older Merc. I've used it quite a bit, it's similar to a Haynes. However, I'm told by those with more experience that it's best used as toilet tissue, and the only manual worth the paper it's printed on is the original Merc manual. I'm a mechanically inclined amatuer, the Seloc has helped me at times and left me scratching my head at others. Would the Factory manual be any better? I have no idea!

So to answer your question, I don't know! I am inclined to buy the factory manual at this point though, to see if I can sort out some electrical issues. With two books I'm likely to end up twice as confused!!
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Old 04 September 2006, 18:55   #3
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Originally Posted by dctucker
I have a Seloc manual for my older Merc. I've used it quite a bit, it's similar to a Haynes. However, I'm told by those with more experience that it's best used as toilet tissue, and the only manual worth the paper it's printed on is the original Merc manual. I'm a mechanically inclined amatuer, the Seloc has helped me at times and left me scratching my head at others. Would the Factory manual be any better? I have no idea!

So to answer your question, I don't know! I am inclined to buy the factory manual at this point though, to see if I can sort out some electrical issues. With two books I'm likely to end up twice as confused!!
Thanks for that. :-) Well, I know now there's two confused mechanically inclined amateurs in the world - except you're better off than me because you've got something to read in the bathroom. :-) We seem to be the only two here - perhaps everyone else runs an outboard servicing business?

Thanks anyway. I'll ponder.

Tony . ( PS Where do all those pretty smilies that I see here all the time come from?)
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Old 05 September 2006, 15:49   #4
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Another great resource is the forum for Merc (and other brands). That's where you will find the experienced Merc techs hanging out answering questions. They've helped me numerous times with my 25 year old Merc. Use the search function and pay particular attention to replies from Clams Canino and Laddies.

The smiles and whatnot are on the right side of the reply box on the page ==>
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Old 05 September 2006, 15:52   #5
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YEp, seloc manuals are bloody useless a lot of the time.

Never had a merc factory manual here but Clymer manuals are a load better than Seloc-had both at once for the same engine and the seloc didn't get used.
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Old 05 September 2006, 23:17   #6
Country: UK - Scotland
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Well, thanks DC and Nos. I'll look at iboats and probably go for the Clymer unless someone else comes up with a very good reason why not. They're cheaper than the factory ones.

Thanks once again.

Re. smilies - no sign of them here. Maybe its a software thing? I'm using Win 98, smilies are on, but not anywhere to be seen. Not a real problem for me though.

Cheers Tony
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Old 05 September 2006, 23:21   #7
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I've got the Clymer one for the Merc 90 fourstroke, all I can say is it's very good for a novice mechanic.

Not as good as Haynes for cars but buy with confidence.

Looks Slow but is Fast
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
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Old 06 September 2006, 10:40   #8
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Not at service manual as such but this parts catalgoue has help no end in piecing together the part needed for an engine I'm rebuilding

oh and its free!!
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Old 11 September 2006, 10:22   #9
Country: UK - Scotland
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Many thanks to all. Guess I'll go for the Clymer. The parts catalogue looks very useful too.

My biggest fear is undoing something and hearing some little piece I didn't know about fall deep into the works of the engine :-( .That would surely mean a two hundred mile round trip to the nearest service agent and a bill I can't really afford.

With the manuals I hope to avoid that.
Cheers, Tony
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