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Old 25 January 2004, 22:02   #1
Country: Belgium
Length: 5m +
Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 459
Misbehaving Evinrude 50 4/S Injection

Problems today with above engine , started , purred on tick over but serious missfire on application of throttle and no power ?

Hasnt been run for quite a while , but new tank of fuel was used

Gonna check carefully for pos air entry in fuel line connection and will try new set of plugs and check fuel filter clear

I am assuming nothing major is wrong in view of its very little use , so anything else I could should consider before heading down to see Lee at Fairweather ?

Could the management system be deliberately reducing revs , like incorrect temp , neutral switch position ? Anyone come across this as I believe they are similar to Suzuki units.
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Old 25 January 2004, 23:47   #2
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Think you are right to look at Plugs etc first, my old suzuki 55 used to spit one of its plug caps off the plugs at the slightest excuse, and sounded fine at tick-over.
The only other time I had trouble with exactly your symptoms was the system reducing revs due to a faulty 2 stroke oil tank sender, but thats obviously not your problem. Mind you, could be another sender causing the system to 'Play Safe'.

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Old 26 January 2004, 19:31   #3
Country: Ireland
Town: Dublin
Boat name: wizzard
Length: 7m +
Engine: 225 optimax
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On start up there is little or no load on the motor, when she revs it produces a misfire, check to see if you have an electrical leak, try to run the motor in the dark and rev it see does any of the ht compononts arc to the engine metalwork are the plug leads caps plugs clean and moisture free, I think you have some electrical tracking from the ignition system to the frame of the engine , use lots of wd40 inside the plug caps aswell and wipe each ht lead with a wd40 soaked rag check the ht leads for splits etc.Take out a plug and see if their is a build up between the cathode and anode this will give you a misfire, its possible moisture or a chaffed lead or piece of electrical cable shorting to the metal. gavin

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