morse controles w/ tohatsu 90hp
They guy who is getting my motors started for the first time is saying he needs spacers behind the Morse control box in order to get the motors to go to full throttle. He is correct but I’m looking at it and that is requiring more then 180 deg of rotation for the throttle/gear handle. I’m using the Morse 3TL control box for twin motors designed to be mounted on top of a console not on the side. This doesn’t sound right to me why on earth would you need more then 180deg. Of movement on a top mount control box? On most applications you would never get it. Do you need to be able to access 100% throttle in reverse? I know sounds like an ignorant quest and well it is. I can’t ever remember using 100% reverse heck after about 20-40% you’re bringing water over the back any how. Is it recommended to re adj. the handles so it can get full forward and only about 70% back? Or is spacing out about 15 cm. to get full throttle both directions the right answer? Please help confused and frustrated.