Finally got the opertunity to take the Voaire and my Suzuki 20hp for their first voyage since buying them new (which seems a very very long time ago)
Headed to Loch Awe with teenage son and dog for a couple of nights wild camp and to run in the outboard.
Being complete newbies we thought a non tidal loch,along with seeing some amazing videos of donnys here this would be best.
We also wanted to gain a bit of experience before hitting costal waters that can be quite unforgiving on the east coast.
Althouh a 8hr round trip in a well overloaded car and roof box it was really worth it to see the amazing scenery, with the added benefit of spending quality time with my son.
All was set......the car with outboard, the excel, camping equipment and all the we went.
Found a nice little spot to set up a temp camp on the shore and set up the boat for its first trip the next morning to a more secluded camping spot.
Morning was dry with heavy rain and wind forecast later so put dog in the car and loaded up the boat with everything except dog and tent which we would come back for on a second trip after making sure our chosen spot was suitable.
Had to row out a distance, only to have to return for the OB kill chord which we left in car for safety!!!!
That drama over and red face dying down from the round of applause we got from some onlookers.....

went to 2000 rpm after a few minutes,then pushed up towards the 2500 rpm.
Unfortunately that's where the fun ended, and to be honest a bit of panick set in!
Engine warning light came on, and dropped the ob into a limp mode.
Not sure if we should just try to row back or chance we did no serious damage to to the engine, we did the later and make it back to shore.
Scared to try out again in case we damaged the outboard, we gave up on the boat and just did a bit of hiking and camping instead, and came home a bit early before the worst of the weather struck.
So my obvious question is...
What else could be wrong with the outboard?
Engine oil fine.
No noticible blockages at the intake.
Couple of things to add is
We had to transport the OB as if sitting on the transom at its highest setting as didn't have space to lay on its side.
While running OB in the barrel to do last minute check everything was ok, we still had a feeling the water was on the warmer side than I would have expected...(although having no experience of outboards this was probably nothing.)
But how hot would you expect a barrel of water to be after a 10 minute idle?
Anything else I could check that could cause a new ob to overheat or this light to stay on? or is there anything we might have done wrong to cause this?
So anyway that was it! £3500 plus all the other stuff for a few minutes fun
Cheers..... Brian