Originally Posted by Maximus
When you ( the customer) change/choose things like Consul/Type/size and Positioning ....Seating layouts/type..Aframes..Splash wells..
...Twin Single engine set ups...type weight ...inc Diesel ect ect on a bespoke CUSTOM built RIB there really isn't really a 100% standard set up...and that's before you get into part built or Home Rigged Boats....hence ( if you are discerning and want the best from your RIB)... tweeking 
IMO It really pays if you can...(and who'd spend £40k+ And up..without it!) to get out and try not only the Type and size (+Manufacturer) of RIB but also the power plant and rough layout that suits your needs...preferably in varying weather conditions  ..
I agree with Maxi, when you go bespoke, the combinations are infinite. The size/position of underfloor fuel tanks, console, seating etc all have a subtle but discernible affect on the handling. My current boat was delivered with the standard setup for that hull, which at the end of the day worked, but not to my liking. After a season of tweaking & adjustment, I'm getting there, but to me, that's half the fun. I know what I want & expect, the guy who builds the boat can't read my mind.
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