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Old 02 March 2006, 15:29   #1
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New Sib (Zodiac Zoom 240)

Just had delivered today the sib we bought at the boat show, looks good, really good quality and fittings.

All we need now is a good engine for it, max is 4hp with a 25Kg weight limit, so would like a good engine for it, looked around didn't see any engine that really stood out. Either brand new or very little use. As cheap as possible.

Thanks Freddie
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Old 02 March 2006, 15:36   #2
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I think the best bet would be a Mercury/ Mariner / Tohatsu 3.3HP, these are a fair bit lighter than a 4HP and it would probably still plane.
I put a Mercury 4HP on a Bombard AX2 (2.2m I think) the max on that was 4HP and it just wasn't rigid enough when you opened it up ( slated floor) and was slower than the Suzuki 2HP its normal engine.
If its an air deck (inflatble floor) go for a 4HP but if not get one of these:

New Mariner 3.3HP £375

New Tohatsu 3.5HP £350
They are the same engine so the tohatsu is probably the better deal, depends which dealer is closer!

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Old 02 March 2006, 15:39   #3
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If you do decide to go for a 4hp, my mariner 4 is for sale (used once for 20 minutes last season) for £400. Bought at marine super store for £550 if i remember correctly..
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Old 02 March 2006, 15:56   #4
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Do not, whatever you do, buy a Yamaha 4hp 4-stroke. It's a dog of an engine - loud as hell, prone to oil seepage into top of cylinder when tilted causing severe starting problems, and vibrates more than a Rampant Rabbit. Mine had only done about 10 hours when it spontaneously combusted on the back of my RibLite last summer and I ended up chucking it into the River Crouch! That's the outboard, not my girlfriend's Rampant Rabbit, I hasten to add. Replaced it with a Yamaha Malta 3hp 2-stroke, which is a damn fine piece of kit and unlike the Tohatsu/Merc/Mariner 3.3hp has a twist grip throttle as opposed to one of those vile slidey ones.
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Old 02 March 2006, 16:14   #5
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Originally Posted by Phil Davies
That's the outboard, not my girlfriend's Rampant Rabbit, I hasten to add. Replaced it with a Yamaha Malta 3hp 2-stroke, which is a damn fine piece of kit and unlike the Tohatsu/Merc/Mariner 3.3hp has a twist grip throttle as opposed to one of those vile slidey ones.
I have a Yamaha Malta 3HP on an Avon Air deck and its a good little engine although quite heavy and expensive for its size, its predecessor was a Honda 2HP 4 stroke not a rampant rabbit
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Old 02 March 2006, 18:17   #6
Country: UK - England
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Make: Avon SR/RibLite 3.1m
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Good points, ADS. The Malta's 3.5kgs heavier than the Tohatsu etc. but somehow feels more than that, doesn't it? Lot more robust and much better build quality than the others, though. And yes, I paid £525 for mine I rang all the bigger Yammie dealers in England and eventually located a brand new one in Liverpool Powerboats despite the fact that Yamaha had stopped making the Malta about 18mths ago! The owner, Ian Hidderley, bought up about 20 of them when he heard they were going out of production - I got the very last one At least I didn't have to pay carriage on it because ace Ribnet scouser, Ged, happened to be in Liverpool the day I ordered it and I picked it up from his house in Conway on my next trip to Anglesey. Thanks again, mate
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