01 June 2009, 00:14
Country: UK - Wales
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No tell tale
Just started my 15hp Suzuki 4 stroke for the 1st time this year. Started fine but even though the lower leg was in a big tub of water there was no tell tale. Ran it for about 1 min and then shut it off.
Should the tell tale start straight away or do you have to wait for the thermostat to open or something? I know it was working fine the last time it was used - over a year ago!!!
I poked strimmer wire down the hole - no sign of a blockage. There is quite a put put when you put your thumb over the hole but no water.
Is this normal or not? I had the leg in fairly deep.
01 June 2009, 00:45
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Looks like an inspection of the impellor is looming then. As far as I know, tell tails should work whatever!
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01 June 2009, 02:23
Country: UK - Wales
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It was fine when it was put away - engine has only done about 30 or 40hrs. What happens to an impeller when it's just sitting in a garage? I wonder if it's some sort of blockage or maybe the impellor has broken up?
01 June 2009, 05:57
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Originally Posted by codprawn
Should the tell tale start straight away or do you have to wait for the thermostat to open or something?
On all the engines we've had the tell-tale has worked as soon as the engine has been started (allowing the usual few moments for the water to lift up the leg, of course). The thermostat doesn't open until the engine reaches temperature, so you can't assume that just because you have a tell-tale you will have cooling water for your engine ... if the thermostat fails it will still overheat even if you have a strong tell-tale jetting out.
I speak from experience  (even though ours was a bigger engine I imagine they work the same way)
So, sounds like impellor is the next thing to check - but a bit of a mystery what could have happened to it
01 June 2009, 06:32
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If it has been sitting for a long time with out any use there is a chance the impeller has hardened in one position. ? as said above time to drop the leg…
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01 June 2009, 13:59
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could the tell tale pipe have got dislodged or kinked though you would have noticed the water spraying all in side the cowling
01 June 2009, 14:52
Country: UK - Wales
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No all is fine under the cowl. I can only assume there is a blockage or the impeller has seized - annoying all the same!!!
01 June 2009, 20:47
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I've always noticed the Suzukis seem to take a while for the water to get through the system at the beginning of the year. Assuming you flushed it out last year then it shouldn't be salt deposits blocking the pipes. I'd run it for a little longer before stripping it all apart.
01 June 2009, 21:03
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Check for salt build up around the thermostat.
New boat is here, very happy!
01 June 2009, 21:08
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Check for salt build up around the thermostat.
Good call - but I'd check the impeller as a matter of course. If I was going to the bother of dropping the lower leg - I'd have a new impeller ready to fit. At least you know it's good for a couple of years once its done. Unless it gets heavy useage - in which case I'd do this annually at the start of the season.
01 June 2009, 22:48
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Originally Posted by spartacus
Good call - but I'd check the impeller as a matter of course. If I was going to the bother of dropping the lower leg - I'd have a new impeller ready to fit. At least you know it's good for a couple of years once its done.
I'd go with that .. . Merc mariners use a plastic case for the impellor.. dunno about soozies.. but I cant see how you would get an all or nothing situation ? unless frost has done some damage somewhere somehow ?
01 June 2009, 23:00
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Codders, have you got an IR thermometer-or any other way of telling if it's getting too hot?
I'd drop the leg off anyway though and check the impeller.
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02 June 2009, 00:05
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I reckon Codders needs to poke his wire in a bit deeper.
02 June 2009, 01:30
Country: UK - Wales
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I have got an IR thermometer - will give it and go.
And yes maybe I do need to shove it in further - how far is too far? Seriously though are we talking regular sort of depth or a gynecological examination?
02 June 2009, 05:35
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Originally Posted by codprawn
I have got an IR thermometer - will give it and go.
And yes maybe I do need to shove it in further - how far is too far? Seriously though are we talking regular sort of depth or a gynecological examination?
Mad idea I know, but why not just have it serviced by a man who can
02 June 2009, 07:44
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Originally Posted by bedajim
Mad idea I know, but why not just have it serviced by a man who can 
That would be the easy way out and not in the best sporting practice of RIBnet
02 June 2009, 14:09
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7
That would be the easy way out and not in the best sporting practice of RIBnet 
Very true and with the amount they charge no chance.
Muc rather do it myself anyway - it's the only way to learn.
02 June 2009, 14:28
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Originally Posted by codprawn
Very true and with the amount they charge no chance.
Muc rather do it myself anyway - it's the only way to learn.
In my case this often becomes 'its the only way to break ,learn ,& then pay someone more to fix it that it would have cost in the first place.'
02 June 2009, 14:35
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by Blackroady
In my case this often becomes 'its the only way to break ,learn ,& then pay someone more to fix it that it would have cost in the first place.' 
I love taking things apart - engines/gearboxes/lathes/milling machines etc etc - I usually put them back together as well...............
So I will prob just wade in there for a nose.
Youtube is amazing - there are even videos of people changing impellers!!!
02 June 2009, 16:59
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Originally Posted by codprawn
And yes maybe I do need to shove it in further - how far is too far? Seriously though are we talking regular sort of depth or a gynecological examination?
Usually, there is a length of tubing that connects the telltale nozzle to the block. Perhaps you can disconnect it at the block end and see if you're getting pressure (or water) there?
I found blowing a jet of compressed air or a high pressure stream of water into the telltale on my Honda 40 would often clear things up. For some reason, it was pretty sensitive to clogging up (may have been from blowing the crap back into the motor though, now that I think about it.)
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