Not Fair
Whent to E P Barrus to day was on the 3YM30 training day. 2 hours 30mins full strip and re. but thays not the thing im geting at whent for a walk around the work shop and skips and the amount of outboards just siting there that have come in from MOD , RNLI and place like that and some new ones like opys and efi and old ones and skips full of new startes and alts was untrue just wanted to get a few 200 in the back of the van. But we had a 6LY in the back. but there is ment to be a 100hp and a 75hpVerado comeine out soon. may be doin a trainin day on the verado's soon. it is a place and a bit reli. thay had a few old pac22 and landin craft there as well. think of wot we pay 4 outboards they have them just goin to scrap cos it cheper to make a new one. we had a 6LP from them with just dino hours from them on the cheap just cos it was blowin past the rings easy fix no more than 5hours and one set of rings. nice motor 4 cheap.
Dont Steal, the government hates competition!